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month ago, 13:09
Understanding color schemes & choosing colors for your website
Understanding color schemes & choosing colors for your website
Choosing an effective color scheme for your business website can be a difficult decision. However, by learning the basics of color theory and experimenting with color tools available on the web, you’ll be able to choose harmonious color schemes and palettes on your own! We’ve updated this post to include additional information on color theory and how it relates to your branding, as well as tools to help pick the perfect colors for your website or another online project. In this article: What is color theory? What are color schemes? Warm vs cool colors Tints and shades Saturated vs unsaturated colors Online color scheme generators How to choose colors for your website The psychology of color and mood What is color theory? Color theory is based on the principal guidance of color mixing and the visual effect of a specific color combination by use of a color wheel.
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