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Blazor in Action

Blazor in Action
Добавлено: 2 недели назад, 10:05Sergeant
Автор: Chris Sainty
Год: 2022
Формат: PDF
Размер: 22,52 МБ
Просмотров: 11

In «Blazor in Action», you will learn about:

  • Blazor + WebAssembly
  • Picking the right hosting model
  • Building reusable UI components
  • Building forms with validation
  • Integrating with JavaScript libraries
  • Securing your application
  • Testing your applications

«Blazor in Action» is a practical guide to building stunning UIs and client-side applications using C# and .NET. You’ll use the Blazor frontend framework to create a fun and exciting web application for plotting hiking routes. As you build up your new application, you’ll master the key features of Blazor, such as routing, forms and validation, and dynamic and reusable components. By the time you're done, you'll be ready to develop beautiful sites and apps that seamlessly execute your C# code natively in the browser.

The book is written to the most recent stable build of Blazor and seamlessly integrates fresh features from .NET 6.

About the technology

Create rich web frontends without relying on JavaScript. Microsoft’s Blazor framework uses WebAssembly to extend the ultra-popular ASP.NET platform. In Blazor, you can build interactive web components that run natively in the browser without plug-ins or transpilers. And because it’s C# end-to-end, it’s easy to share code between the server and your web UI.

About the book

«Blazor in Action» teaches you to create full-stack ASP.NET applications end-to-end in C#. You’ll start by learning to build Blazor web components, working through core topics like routing and forms. As you go, you’ll implement a hiking route web application that includes reusable code, integration with JavaScript libraries, and role-based security. To make sure your app is production ready, this practical book also covers state management, data persistence, and testing.

What's inside

  • Dynamic and reusable UI components
  • Sharing client and server code
  • Role-based security using Auth0
  • Persisting state using local browser storage

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