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Ср 27.03.2024
Delegates in C#: A comprehensive guide
Introduction Delegates are a fundamental concept in C# that allow you to treat methods as objects. They provide a way to define a type that represents a reference to a method, enabling you to encapsulate and pass around methods as...
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Пн 25.03.2024
C# и .NET: Blazor
Blazor — это технология, позволяющая создавать клиентские веб-приложения с использованием C# и .NET, а не JavaScript. Blazor может запускать ваш код одним из двух способов. Blazor WebAssembly выполняет код C# на стороне клиента в любом современном браузере, поддерживающем WebAssembly. Blazor...
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Ср 20.03.2024
Creating functions that return multiple values in C# is an essential skill, especially when working with .NET Core applications. This article delves into various advanced strategies to return multiple values from functions, providing a deeper understanding of each approach with...
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Пн 26.02.2024
Задача по языку C#: Игра «Крестики Нолики» в консоли
Рассмотрим интересную задачу по разработке игры «Крестики Нолики» на языке C#. Наш проект будет запускаться в консоли и потребует креативное мышление для решения задачи.  Ваша задача — реализовать консольную игру "крестики-нолики" с использованием языка программирования C#. Вам нужно создать игровое...
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Ср 21.02.2024
Pagination in a .NET Web API with EF Core
Pagination allows you to retrieve a large number of records split into pages, instead of returning all the results at once. This is especially useful in scenarios where you need to retrieve a large number of records. In this article,...
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Пн 24.04.2023
Зачем нужен MediatR?
Недавно я натолкнулся в нашем коде на использование пакета MediatR. Это заинтересовало меня. Почему я должен использовать MediatR? Какие преимущества он мне предоставляет? Здесь я собираюсь рассмотреть эти вопросы. Как пользоваться MediatR На базовом уровне использование MediatR очень просто. Сначала...
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Чт 02.02.2023
C# 8.0 and .NET Core 3.0 – Modern Cross-Platform Development Build applications with C# NET Core, Entity Framework
In C# 8.0 and .NET Core 3.0 – Modern Cross-Platform Development, Fourth Edition, expert teacher Mark J. Price gives you everything you need to start programming C# applications. This latest edition uses the popular Visual Studio Code editor to work across all major operating systems. It is fully updated and expanded with new chapters on Content Management Systems (CMS) and...
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Чт 26.01.2023
C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 Modern Cross-Platform Development
With the release of .NET Core 1.0, you can now create applications for Mac OS X and Linux, as well as Windows, using the development tools you know and love. C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 has been divided into three high-impact sections to help start putting these new features to work. First, we'll run you through the basics of...
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Чт 12.01.2023
Concurrency in C# Cookbookbook
Asynchronous, Parallel, and Multithreaded Programming, 2nd Edition
Concurrency in C# Cookbook
If you’re one of many developers still uncertain about concurrent and multithreaded development, this practical cookbook will change your mind. With more than 85 code-rich recipes in this updated second edition, author Stephen Cleary demonstrates parallel processing and asynchronous programming techniques using libraries and language features in .NET and C# 8.0. Concurrency is now more common in responsive and scalable...
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Вт 04.01.2022
C# 7 and .NET Core: Modern Cross-Platform Development, 2nd Edition
C# has recently been made open source and now supports cross-platform development for Linux, macOS, and Windows. It can be used to create everything from business applications, websites, and services to games for Android and iOS mobile phones and Xbox One. If you want to build powerful cross-platform applications with C# 7 and .Net Core, then this book is for...
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Вт 21.12.2021
Effective C# (Covers C# 6.0): 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your C#, 3rd Edition
Now fully updated to reflect C# 7.0’s latest capabilities and newest best practices, Effective C#, Third Edition will help you harness its full power to write exceptionally robust, efficient, maintainable, and well-performing code. Using the concise, scenario-driven style pioneered in Scott Meyers’s best-selling Effective C++, Bill Wagner brings together 50 C# best practices, tips, shortcuts, and realistic code examples, helping...
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Чт 09.12.2021
C# and XML Primer
Learn XML and how to use and integrate it into your C# applications using this compact book. This guide helps you avoid the pitfalls of dealing with XML and C# since handling XML with C# and the .NET Platform can present its own set of challenges. XML is far from a dead technology, so it is important to learn how...
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Вт 16.11.2021
More Effective C#: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your C#, 2nd Edition
In More Effective C#, Second Edition, world-renowned .NET expert Bill Wagner identifies and illuminates 50 intermediate-to-advanced techniques for writing exceptionally robust and well-performing C# 7.0 code. Reflecting the growing sophistication of the C# language and its development community, Wagner presents powerful new solutions to problems you’re likely to encounter every day. Through three editions of Effective C#, Wagner’s clear explanations,...
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Чт 28.10.2021
Разработка обслуживаемых программ на языке C#
Данное практическое руководство познакомит вас с 10 простыми рекомендациями, помогающими писать программное обеспечение, которое легко поддерживать и адаптировать. Эти тезисы сформулированы на основании анализа сотен реальных систем. Написанная консультантами компании Software Improvement Group книга содержит ясные и краткие советы по применению рекомендаций на практике.
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Вт 05.10.2021
C# 7 and .NET Core Cookbook
Quick solutions to common programming problems with the latest features of C# 7.0, .NET Core 1.1, and Visual Studio 2017. C# has recently been open-sourced and C# 7 comes with a host of new features for building powerful, cross-platform applications. This book will be your solution to some common programming problems that you come across with C# and will also...
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Вт 11.05.2021
C# для профессионалов. Тонкости программирования, 3-е издание
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Чт 29.04.2021
C# 6.0 in a Nutshell, 6th Edition
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Вт 30.03.2021
CLR via C#, 4th Edition
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Вт 16.03.2021
.NET Domain-Driven Design with C#book
Problem - Design - Solution
.NET Domain-Driven Design with C#
As the first technical book of its kind, this unique resource walks you through the process of building a real-world application using Domain-Driven Design implemented in C#. Based on a real application for an existing company, each chapter is broken down into specific modules so that you can identify the problem, decide what solution will provide the best results, and...
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Чт 25.02.2021
Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2010
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Вт 23.02.2021
Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008
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Сб 13.02.2021
Software Architecture with C# 9 and .NET 5, Second Editionbook
Architecting software solutions using microservices, DevOps, and design patterns for Azure
Software Architecture with C# 9 and .NET 5, Second Edition
Design scalable and high-performance enterprise applications using the latest features of C# 9 and .NET 5. Key Features Gain fundamental and comprehensive software architecture knowledge and the skillset to create fully modular apps. Design high-performance software systems using the latest features of .NET 5 and C# 9. Solve scalability problems in web apps using enterprise architecture patterns. Book Description Software...
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Сб 13.02.2021
C# 9 and .NET 5book
Modern Cross-Platform Development
C# 9 and .NET 5
A comprehensive guide for beginners to learn the key concepts, real-world applications, and latest features of C# 9 and .NET 5 with hands-on exercises using VS Code. Key Features Explore the newest additions to C# 9, the .NET 5 class library, Entity Framework Core and Blazor. Strengthen your command of ASP.NET Core 5.0 and create professional websites and services. Build...
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Пн 07.12.2020
Компиляция и запуск C# и Blazor внутри браузера
Если вы Web-разработчик и ведете разработку для браузера, то вы точно знакомы с JS, который может исполняться внутри браузера. Существует мнение, что JS не сильно подходит для сложных вычислений и алгоритмов. И хотя в последние годы JS cделал большой рывок...
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Вт 24.11.2020
C# 7.0. Карманный справочник
Когда вам нужны ответы на вопросы по программированию на языке C# 7.0, этот узкоспециализированный справочник предложит именно то, что необходимо знать - безо всяких длинных введений или раздутых примеров. Легкое в чтении и идеальное в качестве краткого справочника, данное руководство поможет опытным программистам на C#, Java и C++ быстро ознакомиться с последней версией языка C#. Все программы и фрагменты кода,...
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Вт 17.11.2020
Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0
Professional C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 provides complete coverage of the latest updates, features, and capabilities, giving you everything you need for C#. Get expert instruction on the latest changes to Visual Studio 2015, Windows Runtime, ADO.NET, ASP.NET, Windows Store Apps, Windows Workflow Foundation, and more, with clear explanations, no-nonsense pacing, and valuable expert insight. This incredibly useful guide...
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Пн 16.11.2020
What is a Windows Service Enables you to create long-running executable applications that run in their own windows session. Can be automatically started when the computer boots, can be paused and restarted without any user interaction. Easily installable by running...
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Вт 10.11.2020
C# 7.1 and .NET Core 2.0 – Modern Cross-Platform Development
About This Book Build modern, cross-platform applications with .NET Core 2.0 Get up to speed with C#, and up to date with all the latest features of C# 7.1 Start creating professional web applications with ASP.NET Core 2.0 Who This Book Is For This book is for those of you who have some prior programming experience or have a science,...
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Вт 03.11.2020
C# 8 Quick Syntax Reference
This quick C# 8 guide is a condensed code and syntax reference to the C# programming language, updated with the latest features of C# 8 for .NET and Windows 10. This book presents the essential C# 8 syntax in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference. Specifically, it covers nullable reference types, async streams, ranges and...
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Вт 27.10.2020
Problem Solving in Data Structures and Algorithms Using C#
This book introduces you to the world of data structures and algorithms. Data structures defines the way in which data is arranged in memory for fast and efficient access while algorithms are a set of instruction to solve problems by manipulating these data structures. "Problem Solving in Data Structures & Algorithms" is a series of books about the usage of...
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Вт 01.09.2020
C# 7 и .NET Core. Кросс-платформенная разработка для профессионалов
C# 7 — новая мощная и многофункциональная версия популярнейшего языка программирования от Майкрософт. Вы встретите немало интересных книг по языку C# и платформе .NET, однако в большинстве из них лишь мельком рассматривается столь важный аспект, как кросс-платформенная разработка. Научитесь писать приложения, которые работают всегда и везде, на ПК и мобильных устройствах. Познакомьтесь с инструментом Xamarin.Forms, освойте тонкости работы с Visual...
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Вт 25.08.2020
Язык программирования C# 7 и платформы .NET и .NET Core
Эта книга представляет собой полный источник сведений о языке программирования C# и о связанной с ним инфраструктуре. В 8-м издании книги вы найдете описание функциональных возможностей самых последних версий C# 7.0 и 7.1 и .NET 4.7, а также совершенно новые главы о легковесной межплатформенной инфраструктуре Microsoft .NET Core, включая версию .NET Core 2.0. Книга охватывает ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework (EF)...
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Вт 31.12.2019
The C# Player’s Guide, 3rd Edition
The C# Player's Guide (3rd Edition) is the ultimate guide for people starting out with C#, whether you are new to programming, or an experienced vet. This guide takes you from your journey's beginning, through the most challenging parts of programming in C#, and does so in a way that is casual, informative, and fun. This version of the book...
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Пн 09.01.2017
Design Patterns in C#
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Пн 12.12.2016
The C# Player's Guide, 2nd Editionbook
Using C# 6.0 Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 4.6
The C# Player's Guide, 2nd Edition
The C# Player's Guide (2nd Edition) is the ultimate guide for people starting out with C#, whether you are new to programming, or an experienced vet. This guide takes you from your journey's beginning, through the most challenging parts of programming in C#, and does so in a way that is casual, informative, and fun. This version of the book...
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Пн 21.11.2016
C# Programming Yellow Book
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Пн 11.04.2016
Pro WPF 4.5 in C#, 4th Edition
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Ср 06.04.2016
Pro Silverlight 5 in C#, 4th Edition
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Пн 21.03.2016
Pro C# 5.0 and the .NET 4.5 Framework, 6th Edition
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Ср 16.03.2016
Pro ASP.NET 4 in C# 2010, 4th Edition
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Ср 09.03.2016
Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C#
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Ср 24.02.2016
A Programmer's Guide to C# 5.0, 4th Edition
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Сб 27.10.2012
CLR via C#, 3rd Edition
Dig deep and master the intricacies of the common language runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework 4.0. Written by a highly regarded programming expert and consultant to the Microsoft® .NET team, this guide is ideal for developers building any kind of application-including Microsoft® ASP.NET, Windows® Forms, Microsoft® SQL Server®, Web services, and console applications. You'll get hands-on instruction and extensive...
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