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Problem Solving in Data Structures and Algorithms Using C#

Problem Solving in Data Structures and Algorithms Using C#
Добавлено: Вт 27.10.2020 • Sergeant
Автор: Hemant Jain
Год: 2018
Просмотров: 604

This book introduces you to the world of data structures and algorithms. Data structures defines the way in which data is arranged in memory for fast and efficient access while algorithms are a set of instruction to solve problems by manipulating these data structures.

"Problem Solving in Data Structures & Algorithms" is a series of books about the usage of Data Structures and Algorithms in computer programming. The book is easy to follow and is written for interview preparation point of view. In these books, the examples are solved in various languages like Go, C, C++, Java, C#, Python, VB, javascript and PHP.

This book introduces you to the world of data structures and algorithms. Data structures defines the way in which data is arranged in memory for fast and efficient access while algorithms are a set of instruction to solve problems by manipulating these data structures.

Designing an efficient algorithm is a very important skill that all software companies, e.g. Microsoft, Google, Facebook etc. pursues. Most of the interviews for these companies are focused on knowledge of data-structures and algorithms. They look for how candidates use concepts of data structures and algorithms to solve complex problems efficiently. Apart from knowing, a programming language you also need to have good command of these key computer fundamentals to not only qualify the interview but also excel in you jobs as a software engineer.

This book assumes that you are a C# language developer. You are not an expert in C# language, but you are well familiar with concepts of classes, functions, arrays, pointers and recursion. At the start of this book, we will be looking into Complexity Analysis followed by the various data structures and their algorithms. We will be looking into a Linked-List, Stack, Queue, Trees, Heap, Hash-Table and Graphs. We will also be looking into Sorting, Searching techniques.

In last few chapters, we will be looking into various algorithmic techniques. Such as, Brute-Force algorithms, Greedy algorithms, Divide and Conquer algorithms, Dynamic Programming, Reduction and Backtracking.

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