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Anonymous • Сб 17.09.2005 04:47

The Definitive Guide to HTML5 WebSocket

The Definitive Guide to HTML5 WebSocket
Добавлено: Чт 07.04.2022 • Sergeant
Автор: Vanessa Wang, Frank Salim, Peter Moskovits
Год: 2013
Страниц: 404
Просмотров: 576

The Definitive Guide to HTML5 WebSocket is the ultimate insider’s WebSocket resource. This revolutionary new web technology enables you to harness the power of true real-time connectivity and build responsive, modern web applications.

This book contains everything web developers and architects need to know about WebSocket. It discusses how WebSocket-based architectures provide a dramatic reduction in unnecessary network overhead and latency compared to older HTTP (Ajax) architectures, how to layer widely used protocols such as XMPP and STOMP on top of WebSocket, and how to secure WebSocket connections and deploy WebSocket-based applications to the enterprise. Build real-time web applications with HTML5.

This book

- Introduces you to the WebSocket API and protocol.
- Describes and provides real-world examples of protocol communication over WebSocket.
- Explains WebSocket security and enterprise deployment.

What you’ll learn

- Understand the WebSocket API and Protocol.
- Build Instant Messaging and Chat Applications over WebSocket with XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol).
- Implement a Publish/Subscribe Messaging Protocol over WebSocket with STOMP (Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol).
- VNC with the Remote Framebuffer Protocol.
- Learn WebSocket Security Deployment Considerations for an Enterprise WebSocket Architecture.

Who this book is for

The Definitive Guide to HTML5 WebSocket is for web developers and architects who want to build cutting-edge web applications with WebSocket. It is also designed for anyone who wants to implement a flexible and scalable architecture with built-in real-time connectivity and communication.

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