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Getting Started with NoSQL

Getting Started with NoSQL
Добавлено: Вт 18.09.2018 • Sergeant
Автор: Gaurav Vaish
Год: 2013
Просмотров: 170

First hand, detailed information about NoSQL technology.
Learn the differences between NoSQL and RDBMS and where each is useful.
Understand the various data models for NoSQL.
Compare and contrast some of the popular NoSQL databases on the market.
Think outside the box; learn to design, construct, and implement using NoSQL.

In Detail

Relational databases have been used for decades, and in the last few years NoSQL has been a growing choice for large-scale web applications. Non-relational databases provide the scale and speed that you may need for your application. To switch you must know the options available, the advantages and drawbacks, and scenarios which it is suited to the most and where it should be avoided at all costs.
Getting Started with NoSQL is a from-the-ground up guide that takes you from the very first steps to a real-world NoSQL application. It provides you with a step-by-step approach to design and implement a NoSQL application that will help you make clear decisions on database choices and database model choices. The book is suited for a developer, an architect, as well as a CTO.
This book is a comprehensive guide to working with NoSQL. You will learn to make key decisions, and to design and implement NoSQL applications. You will learn about NoSQL jargon, data models, and databases on the market. The case studies and comparisons presented will help you to make a decision on whether or not to use NoSQL, and if so which model and product to use. This book is an indispensable resource for you to have in your library. You will learn everything you need to know about understanding and working with NoSQL and how to implement an application with the correct NoSQL for you.

What you will learn from this book

  • Discover what NoSQL is and what it is not;
  • Master the jargon and vocabulary around NoSQL;
  • Understand the

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