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Scientific Poke Method
Metal, Hard & Heavy & Dark

Diary of Dreams


Studio Albums
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Year: 1994

1. Ein Wiegenlied
2. At the Border of My Nation
3. Shattered Disguise
4. War On a Meadow
5. Holier Than Thou Approach
6. False Affection, False Creation
7. And Silence Still Remains
8. Phantasmogoria
9. To Conquer the Angel's Laugh
10. Cholymelan
11. Between The Clouds

End of Flowers
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Year: 1995

1. End of Flowers
2. Victimized
3. A Fool To Blame
4. Scars of Greed
5. Oblivion
6. Cold Deceit
7. Retaliation
8. Willow
9. Deviation
10. Eyesolation
11. Tears of Laughter

Bird Without Wings
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Year: 1997

1. Stimmulation
2. Bird Without Wings II
3. Dissolution
4. June
5. Aphelion
6. But the Wind Was Stronger
7. A Sinner's Instincts
8. Ex-ile
9. Legends
10. Flood of Tears

0 0 0
Year: 1998

1. (ver)GIFT(et)?
2. Never Freeze
3. Methusalem
4. Luna(-tic)
5. Drop Dead
6. Touch
7. E.-dead-Motion
8. Never!Land
9. Wild
10. You(-das)

One of 18 Angels
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Year: 2000

1. Rumours About Angels
2. Butterfly - Dance!
3. Mankind
4. Winter Souls
5. No Body Left To Blame
6. Chemicals
7. Babylon
8. Colorblind
9. People Watcher
10. Darker
11. Dead Souls Dreaming

Freak Perfume
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Year: 2002

1. Traum:A
2. The Curse
3. O'Brother Sleep
4. Chrysalis
5. Traumtänzer
6. Rebellion (Arena Silentii Mea)
7. Bastard (Seelenstaub)
8. Amok
9. She
10. Verdict (An Ode to Sleep)
11. Play God!

PaniK Manifesto
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Year: 2002

1. Painkiller
2. Panik
3. Soul Stripper
4. Sin Skinner
5. Drama
6. The Scream
7. Monsters and Demons

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Year: 2004

1. Dead Letter
2. Giftraum
3. Kindrom
4. Reign Of Chaus
5. Charma Sleeper
6. Tales Of The Silent City
7. Portrait Of A Cynic
8. UnMensch
9. The Witching Hour
10. Psycho - Logic
11. Krank - Haft

0 0 0
Year: 2005

1. MenschFeind
2. Haus Der Stille
3. Day - X - Relic
4. Killers
5. Treibsand
6. The Cage
7. Pentaphobia

Nekrolog 43
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Year: 2007

1. Nekrolog 43
2. The Plague
3. Son Of A Thief
4. Tears Of Joy
5. UnWanted
6. Matching Lives
7. Remedy Child
8. Malice
9. The Darkest Of All Hours
10. Congratulations
11. Hypo]CrypticK[al

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Year: 2009

1. The Wedding
2. Requiem 4.21
3. Odyssey Asylum
4. Poison Breed
5. Wahn!Sinn
6. The Colors Of Grey
7. Choir Hotel
8. The Chain
9. King Of Nowhere
10. 21 Grams Of Nothing

0 0 0
Year: 2011

1. Into X
2. Undividable
3. Lebenslang
4. Element I - Zeitgeist
5. Grey The Blue
6. Immerdar
7. Element II - Illusion
8. Push Me
9. Element III - Stagnation
10. Echo In Me [X - Version]
11. Element IV - Angst

Grau Im Licht
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Year: 2015

1. Sinferno
2. Endless Nights
3. Ikarus
4. Krank
5. Die My Phobia
6. Grau Im Licht
7. SinnFlut
8. HomeSick
9. Schuldig!
10. The Hunted
11. MitGift

Hell In Eden
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Year: 2017

1. Made In Shame
2. Epicon
3. Decipher Me
4. Hell In Eden
5. Perfect Halo
6. Beast Of Prey
7. Listen And Scream
8. Traces Of Light
9. Mercy Me
10. Bird Of Passage
11. Sister Sin

Moments of Bloomcompilation
Moments of Bloom
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Year: 1999
Аудиофайлов нет.

1. Cholymelan
2. False Affection, False Creation III
3. End of Flowers
4. Retaliation
5. But the Wind Was Stronger
6. Ex-ile
7. Methusalem
8. End(giftet)?
9. Moments of Bloom
10. Touch II
11. Reality of Mine

Dream Collectorcompilation
Dream Collector
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Year: 2003

There are no audio files yet.

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