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Метод Научного Тыка
Metal, Hard & Heavy & Dark



0 0 0
Год: 2001

1. The Search Begins...
2. World Under Ice
3. The Landing
4. Atlantis
5. Silent Scream
6. Garden of Delight
7. Time
8. Between Love and Hate

Fables & Dreams
0 0 0
Год: 2004

1. The Search Goes On
2. Avalon
3. Elements
4. Fable of Dreams
5. Still Believe
6. The Spell
7. The Neverending Story
8. Hymn
9. Silent Scream (2004)
10. A Little Moment of Desperation

The Edge of Infinity
0 0 0
Год: 2006

1. Introduction
2. The Edge of Infinity
3. Sons of the Wind
4. Who You Are
5. Out
6. Song For You
7. Together
8. The Power of Love
9. Words Unleashed
10. EmOcean
11. EmOcean Bonus

New Shores
0 0 0
Год: 2009

1. New Shores
2. Two Dreamers
3. How Did It Come To This
4. The Incredibles
5. My Hardest Words
6. Farewell My Love
7. The Chosen Ones
8. Heart of a Lion
9. Into the Dissonance
10. Winds of Heaven
11. The Day the Falcon Dies

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