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Метод Научного Тыка
Metal, Hard & Heavy & Dark

Perpetual Rage


The New Kingdom
0 0 0
Год: 2015

1. Desert of Dreams
2. Black Light Ghosts
3. Icon
4. Red Eclipse
5. Out of Dimensions
6. The New Kingdom
7. Road to Damnation
8. Master of All

Empress of the Cold Stars
0 0 0
Год: 2017

1. Dragonlancer
2. The Empress
3. Boundless
4. The Creation
5. Mesmeric Silence
6. Evil
7. Mark of Chaos
8. Privilege
9. Wildfire
10. Silent Sky

Flames From Below
0 0 0
Год: 2020

1. The Call
2. Replicant
3. Hollow Graves
4. Enlighted by Darkness
5. Devil Angel
6. Down to the Wire
7. Flames From Below
8. The Crimson Shining
9. Lost in a Dream
10. The Edge of Time

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Release v.2024-07-26
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Web-site performed by Sergey Drozdov