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Метод Научного Тыка
Metal, Hard & Heavy & Dark

Dark Illusion


Beyond the Shadows
0 0 0
Год: 2005

1. Night Knight
2. Child of the Night
3. Warrior
4. Power of the Evil
5. Reaper of Souls
6. Into the Depths I Stare
7. Secret Journey
8. Weeper Deeper
9. Tragedy
10. Leave No Traces
11. Sensational Walk

Where the Eagles Fly
0 0 0
Год: 2010

1. My Heart Cries Out for You
2. Dark Journey
3. Land of Street Survivor
4. Pay the Price
5. Destiny's Call
6. Evil Masquerade
7. Running Out of Time
8. Spellbound
9. Only the Strong Will Survive
10. Epic
11. Destiny's Call (Piano and Vocal) (bonus track)

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Web-site performed by Sergey Drozdov