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Тег: kotlin

Чт 04.08.2022
Android Programming with Kotlin for Beginners
Build smart looking Kotlin apps with UI and functionality for the Android platform. Android is the most popular mobile operating system in the world and Kotlin has been declared by Google as a first-class programming language to build Android apps. With the imminent arrival of the most anticipated Android update, Android 10 (Q), this book gets you started building apps...
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Вт 02.08.2022
Reactive Programming with Kotlin
The book that teaches you to use RxJava, RxAndroid and RxKotlin to create complex reactive applications on Android and exercise full control over the library to leverage the full power of reactive programming in your apps.
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Чт 28.07.2022
Data Structures and Algorithms in Kotlin
A book that teaches you the fundamental tools of implementing key data structures in Kotlin, and how to use them to solve algorithms.
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Вт 26.07.2022
Kotlin Apprentice (2nd Edition)
The Kotlin Apprentice is a book designed for complete beginners to Kotlin, a modern language used for Android development.
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Чт 21.07.2022
Kotlin Coroutines by Tutorials, 2nd Edition
Android is inherently asynchronous and event-driven, with strict requirements as to on which thread certain things can happen. Learn how to use Kotlin coroutines to solve common Android programming problems using asynchronous programming techniques.
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Вт 19.07.2022
Kotlin. Программирование для профессионалов
Kotlin — язык программирования со статической типизацией, который взяла на вооружение Google в ОС Android. Книга Джоша Скина и Дэвида Гринхола основана на популярном курсе Kotlin Essentials от Big Nerd Ranch. Яркие и полезные примеры, четкие объяснения ключевых концепций и основополагающих API не только знакомят с языком Kotlin, но и учат эффективно использовать его возможности, а также позволяют освоить среду...
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Чт 14.07.2022
Programming Kotlin
Kotlin has been making waves ever since it was open sourced by JetBrains in 2011; it has been praised by developers across the world and is already being adopted by companies. This book provides a detailed introduction to Kotlin that shows you all its features and will enable you to write Kotlin code to production. We start with the basics:...
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Вт 27.03.2018
Kotlin in Action
Kotlin in Action teaches you to use the Kotlin language for production-quality applications. Written for experienced Java developers, this example-rich book goes further than most language books, covering interesting topics like building DSLs with natural language syntax. The authors are core Kotlin developers, so you can trust that even the gnarly details are dead accurate.
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Getting Started with Grafana Вт 02.04.2024
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