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C# 7.1 and .NET Core 2.0 – Modern Cross-Platform Development

C# 7.1 and .NET Core 2.0 – Modern Cross-Platform Development
Добавлено: Вт 10.11.2020 • Sergeant
Автор: Mark J. Price
Год: 2017
Формат: PDF
Размер: 61,36 МБ
Просмотров: 655

About This Book

Build modern, cross-platform applications with .NET Core 2.0
Get up to speed with C#, and up to date with all the latest features of C# 7.1
Start creating professional web applications with ASP.NET Core 2.0

Who This Book Is For

This book is for those of you who have some prior programming experience or have a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) background, and want to gain a solid foundation with C# and to be introduced to the types of applications you could build which will work cross-platform on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

What You Will Learn

Build cross-platform applications using C# 7.1 and .NET Core 2.0
Explore ASP.NET Core 2.0 and learn how to create professional websites, services, and applications
Improve your application's performance using multitasking
Use Entity Framework Core and LINQ to query and manipulate data
Master object-oriented programming with C# to increase code reuse and efficiency
Familiarize yourself with cross-device app development using the Universal Windows Platform
Protect and manage your files and data with encryption, streams, and serialization
Get started with mobile app development using Xamarin.Forms
Preview the nullable reference type feature of C# 8

In Detail

C# 7.1 and .NET Core 2.0 is a practical guide to creating powerful cross-platform applications with C# 7.1 and .NET Core 2.0. It gives readers of any experience level a solid foundation in C# and .NET. The first part of the book runs you through the basics of C#, as well as debugging functions and object-oriented programming, before taking a quick tour through the latest features of C# 7.1 such as default literals, tuples, inferred tuple names, pattern matching, and more.

After quickly taking you through C# and how .NET works, you'll explore the .NET Standard 2.0 class libraries, covering topics such as packaging and deploying your own libraries, and using common libraries for working with collections, performance, databases, and encryption. The final section demonstrates the major types of application that you can build and deploy cross-device and cross-platform. Here, you'll learn about websites, web applications, web services, Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps, and mobile apps. By the end of the book, you'll be armed with all the knowledge you need to build modern, cross-platform applications using C# and .NET.

Style and approach

This book takes a step-by-step approach and is filled with exciting projects and fascinating theory. It uses three high-impact sections to equip you with all the tools you'll need to build modern, cross-platform applications using C# and .NET Core 2.0.

Table of Contents

- Hello, C#! Welcome, .NET Core!
- Speaking C#
- Controlling the Flow and Converting Types
- Writing, Debugging, and Testing Functions
- Building Your Own Types with OOP
- Implementing Interfaces and Inheriting Classes
- Understanding and Packaging .NET Standard Types
- Using Common .NET Standard Types
- Working with Files, Streams, and Serialization
- Protecting Your Data and Applications
- Working with Databases Using Entity Framework
- Querying and Manipulating Data Using LINQ
- Improving Performance and Scalability Using Multitasking
- Building Websites Using ASP.NET Core Razor Pages
- Building Websites Using ASP.NET Core MVC
- Building Web Services and Application Using ASP.NET Core
- Building Windows Apps Using XAML & Fluent Design

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