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Метод Научного Тыка
Metal, Hard & Heavy & Dark



The Battle of the Ivory Plains
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Год: 2001

1. Dragondawn
2. Storming Across Heaven
3. A Last Farewell
4. Ride For Glory
5. The Orcish March
6. The Battle of the Ivory Plains
7. Graveheart
8. Rondo A'la Turca (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart cover)
9. A Secret Unveiled
10. World's End
11. Dragondusk

Holy War
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Год: 2002

1. Hundred Years Have Passed
2. Majesty Of The Mithril Mountains
3. Through Elven Woods And Dwarven Mines
4. Holy War
5. Calm Before The Storm
6. The Return To The Ivory Plains
7. Forever Walking Alone
8. Blazing Hate
9. A Thousand Points Of Light
10. I Am One With All
11. The Neverending Story (bonus track)

0 0 0
Год: 2004

1. As Madness Took Me
2. Starfall
3. Calling My Name
4. In Perfect Harmony
5. The Dream Seeker
6. The Shores of Our Land
7. The Returning
8. To the End of the World
9. The Book of Shadows Part I: A Story Yet Untold
10. The Book of Shadows Part II: The Curse of Qa'a
11. The Book of Shadows Part III: The Glendora Outbreak

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Год: 2006

1. Supernova
2. Cassiopeia
3. Contact
4. Astronomy
5. Antimatter
6. The Book of Shadows Part IV: The Scrolls of Geometria Divina
7. Beethoven's Nightmare
8. Too Late For Sorrow
9. Direction - Perfection
10. The Old House On the Hill Chapter I: A Death in the Family
11. The Old House On the Hill Chapter II: The Thing in the Cellar

Under the Grey Banner
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Год: 2011

1. Ilmarion
2. Shadow of the Mithril Mountains
3. The Tempest
4. A Thousand Towers White
5. Fire and Brimstone
6. The Black Mare
7. Lady of Goldenwood
8. Dûrnir's Forge
9. The Trials of Mount Farnor
10. Throne of Bones
11. Under the Grey Banner

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Release v.2024-12-21
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О сайтеРеклама
Web-site performed by Sergey Drozdov