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Automation and Monitoring with Hubot
For DevOps and Developers

Automation and Monitoring with Hubot
Добавлено: Вт 27.12.2022 • Sergeant
Автор: Tomas Varaneckas
Год: 2014
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 108
Размер: 806 КБ
Просмотров: 445

This book covers everything you need to start using Hubot in your organization - installation on Linux, production grade deployment and init.d scripts. You will understand how Hubot scripts work, how to deal with dependencies, how to install new scripts and adjust them to suit your needs.

You will also learn to write and debug your own scripts, ranging from simple ones with just a few lines of code, to advanced ones that integrate several systems together.

There is a whole chapter for those who use GitHub - Hubot can do many wonderful things using GitHub API and web hooks. The book will show you ways to automate your infrastructure tasks and deployments using Jenkins, ways to integrate with numerous systems and services.

This knowledge was extracted from real world use and compacted into a single book. You can use it as a cookbook and pick just the things you need, or you can read it cover to cover and learn everything you can about using Hubot to full extent.

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