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DevOps: Puppet, Docker, and Kubernetes
Learning Path

DevOps: Puppet, Docker, and Kubernetes
Добавлено: Чт 06.01.2022 • Sergeant
Автор: Thomas Uphill, John Arundel at al.
Год: 2017
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 922
Размер: 11,35 МБ
Просмотров: 698

With so many IT management and DevOps tools on the market, both open source and commercial, it’s difficult to know where to start. DevOps is incredibly powerful when implemented correctly, and here’s how to get it done.This Learning Path covers three broad areas: Puppet, Docker, and Kubernetes. This Learning Path is a large resource of recipes to ease your daily DevOps tasks. We begin with recipes that help you develop a complete and expert understanding of Puppet’s latest and most advanced features. Then we provide recipes that help you efficiently work with the Docker environment. Finally, we show you how to better manage containers in different scenarios in production using Kubernetes.

This course is based on these books:

- Puppet Cookbook - Third Edition
- Docker Cookbook
- Kubernetes Cookbook

What You Will Learn

- Discover how to build high availability Kubernetes clusters;
- Deal with inherent issues with container virtualization and container concepts;
- Create services with Docker to enable the swift development and deployment of applications;
- Make optimum use of Docker in a testing environment;
- Create efficient manifests to streamline your deployments;
- Automate Puppet master deployment using Git hooks, r10k, and PuppetDB.

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