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CSS in Depth

CSS in Depth
Добавлено: Вт 18.02.2020 • Sergeant
Автор: Keith J. Grant
Год: 2018
Формат: PDF
Размер: 8,31 МБ
Просмотров: 411

CSS in Depth exposes you to a world of CSS techniques that range from clever to mind-blowing. This instantly useful book is packed with creative examples and powerful best practices that will sharpen your technical skills and inspire your sense of design.

About the Technology
Some websites really pop. They look great, they're visually consistent, and they feel interactive and responsive. You can bet their developers knew CSS in depth. CSS specifies everything from the structural layout of page elements to their individual look and feel. True masters know the patterns of CSS development, the techniques to implement them, and the subtle touches that result in beautiful typography, fluid transitions, and balanced graphics. Join them!

About the Book
CSS in Depth exposes you to a world of CSS techniques that range from clever to mind-blowing. This instantly useful book is packed with creative examples and powerful best practices that will sharpen your technical skills and inspire your sense of design. You'll gain new insights into familiar features like floats and units, and experiment with emerging ideas like responsive design and pattern libraries. Bottom line: this book will make you a better web designer and your apps will look fantastic!

What's Inside
- Avoid common CSS pitfalls
- Master misunderstood concepts
- Use flexbox and grid layout
- Responsive designs for any device
- Code for reuse and maintainability

About the Reader
Written for web developers who know the basics of CSS and HTML.

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