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Начало » Книги, справочники » Программирование, IT » WCF Multi-Layer Services Development with Entity Framework

WCF Multi-Layer Services Development with Entity Framework

WCF Multi-Layer Services Development with Entity Framework
Добавлено: Вт 05.03.2019 • Sergeant
Автор: Mike Liu
Год: 2014
Просмотров: 479

This book will teach you all the essentials to develop WCF services using Entity Framework as the backend. You will be guided right through the creation of six WCF and Entity Framework solutions.

You will start off by creating, implementing, and hosting a basic HelloWorld WCF Service followed by deploying the service and publishing it to IIS. Next, you will learn how to create and test a layered service, and then enhance it further by adding a data access layer and exception handling. Next, you will be introduced to LINQ. Starting with the basics, you will then dive into the advanced concepts and features of LINQ to Entities, including Entity Framework, deferred execution, querying a view, and mapping a procedure. Finally, you will get to grips with the RESTful WCF services and security.

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