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Программирование, IT (стр. 4)

Библиотека книг по разработке программного обеспечения.

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Чт 19.01.2023
Asynchronous Android
With more than a million apps available from Google Play, it is more important than ever to build apps that stand out from the crowd. To be successful, apps must react quickly to user input, deliver results in a flash, and sync data in the background. The key to this is understanding the right way to implement asynchronous operations that...
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Вт 17.01.2023
Asynchronous Android Programming, 2nd Edition
Asynchronous programming has acquired immense importance in Android programming, especially when we want to make use of the number of independent processing units (cores) available on the most recent Android devices. With this guide in your hands you’ll be able to bring the power of Asynchronous programming to your own projects, and make your Android apps more powerful than ever...
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Чт 12.01.2023
Concurrency in C# Cookbookкнига
Asynchronous, Parallel, and Multithreaded Programming, 2nd Edition
Concurrency in C# Cookbook
If you’re one of many developers still uncertain about concurrent and multithreaded development, this practical cookbook will change your mind. With more than 85 code-rich recipes in this updated second edition, author Stephen Cleary demonstrates parallel processing and asynchronous programming techniques using libraries and language features in .NET and C# 8.0. Concurrency is now more common in responsive and scalable...
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Вт 10.01.2023
Pro Asynchronous Programming with .NET
Pro Asynchronous Programming with .NET teaches the essential skill of asynchronous programming in .NET. It answers critical questions in .NET application development, such as: how do I keep my program responding at all times to keep my users happy? how do I make the most of the available hardware? how can I improve performance? In the modern world, users expect...
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Чт 05.01.2023
Programming JavaScript Applicationsкнига
Robust Web Architecture with Node, HTML5, and Modern JS Libraries
Programming JavaScript Applications
Take advantage of JavaScript’s power to build robust web-scale or enterprise applications that are easy to extend and maintain. By applying the design patterns outlined in this practical book, experienced JavaScript developers will learn how to write flexible and resilient code that’s easier—yes, easier—to work with as your code base grows. JavaScript may be the most essential web programming language,...
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Вт 03.01.2023
Pro Git, Second Editionкнига
Everything You Need To Know About Git
Pro Git, Second Edition
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Чт 29.12.2022
Ускоряйся! Как создавать и масштабировать высокопроизводительные цифровые организации
Можно ли с помощью технологий повышать прибыльность бизнеса? На протяжении многих лет нам говорили, что производительность команд программистов не так уж и важна, потому что она не может обеспечить конкурентное преимущество компании. Основу этой книги составляют исследования с использованием строгих статистических методов, включая данные, собранные из отчетов о состоянии DevOps, проведенные совместно с Puppet доктором Николь Форсгрен, Джезом Хамблом и...
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Вт 27.12.2022
Automation and Monitoring with Hubotкнига
For DevOps and Developers
Automation and Monitoring with Hubot
This book covers everything you need to start using Hubot in your organization - installation on Linux, production grade deployment and init.d scripts. You will understand how Hubot scripts work, how to deal with dependencies, how to install new scripts and adjust them to suit your needs. You will also learn to write and debug your own scripts, ranging from...
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Чт 22.12.2022
Continuous Delivery and DevOps – A Quickstart Guide, 2nd Edition
Continuous Delivery (CD) and DevOps are fast becoming the next big thing(s) in relation to the delivery and support of software. This updated edition provides you with a clear and concise insight in to what CD and DevOps are all about, how to go about preparing for and implementing them, and what quantifiable business value they bring. You will be...
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Вт 20.12.2022
Шаблоны тестирования xUnit. Рефакторинг кода тестов
В данной книге показано, как применять принципы разработки программного обеспечения, в частности шаблоны проектирования, инкапсуляцию, исключение повторений и описательные имена, к написанию кода тестов. В части I рассматриваются теоретические основы методов разработки тестов и описываются концепции шаблонов и "запахов" тестов (признаков существующей проблемы). В частях II и III приводится каталог шаблонов проектирования тестов, "запахов" и других средств обеспечения большей прозрачности...
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Вт 13.12.2022
Эффективный TypeScript
Эффективный TypeScript» необходим тем, кто уже имеет опыт работы с jаvascript. Цель этой книги — не научить пользоваться инструментами, а помочь повысить профессиональный уровень. TypeScript представляет собой не просто систему типов, а набор служб языка, удобных в использовании. Он повышает безопасность разработки в jаvascript, делает работу увлекательнее и проще. - Изучите все тонкости системы типов. - Используйте типы так, чтобы...
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Чт 08.12.2022
RabbitMQ in Depthкнига
RabbitMQ in Depth
RabbitMQ in Depth is a practical guide to building and maintaining message-based applications. This book provides detailed coverage of RabbitMQ with an emphasis on why it works the way it does. You'll find examples and detailed explanations based in real-world systems ranging from simple networked services to complex distributed designs. You'll also find the insights you need to make core...
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Вт 06.12.2022
Изучаем TypeScript 3
TypeScript – это и язык, и набор инструментов для генерации кода JavaScript. Он был разработан Андерсом Хейлсбергом в корпорации Microsoft, чтобы помочь разработчикам в написании кода JavaScript в масштабах предприятия. Книга начинается со знакомства с языком TypeScript, и, поэтапно переходит от базовых понятий к продвинутым и мощным функциям языка, включая методы асинхронного программирования, декораторы и обобщения. Также параллельно рассматривается множество...
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Чт 01.12.2022
RabbitMQ in Actionкнига
Distributed messaging for everyone
RabbitMQ in Action
RabbitMQ in Action teaches you to build and manage scalable applications in multiple languages using the RabbitMQ messaging server. It's a snap to get started. You'll learn how message queuing works and how RabbitMQ fits in. Then, you'll explore practical scalability and interoperability issues through many examples. By the end, you'll know how to make Rabbit run like a well-oiled...
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Вт 29.11.2022
Angular 2 Development with TypeScript
Angular 2 Development with TypeScript introduces Angular 2 to developers comfortable using AngularJS v1 or other web frameworks. You’ll start by exploring how Angular 2 works in an online auction application. Along the way, you’ll learn to use TypeScript to write type-aware classes, interfaces, and generics. This is a practical book that covers real-world development concerns like data and views,...
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Чт 24.11.2022
Cloud Native Goкнига
Building Web Applications and Microservices for the Cloud with Go and React
Cloud Native Go
The Complete Guide to Building Cloud-Based Services. Cloud Native Go shows developers how to build massive cloud applications that meet the insatiable demands of today’s customers, and will dynamically scale to handle virtually any volume of data, traffic, or users. Kevin Hoffman and Dan Nemeth describe the modern cloud-native application in detail, illuminating factors, disciplines, and habits associated with rapid,...
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Вт 22.11.2022
Modern Java in Actionкнига
Lambda, streams, functional and reactive programming
Modern Java in Action
The release of Java 9 builds on what made Java 8 so exciting. In addition to Java 8's lambdas and streams, Java 9 adds a host of new features of its own. It includes new library features to support reactive programming, which give users new ways of thinking about programming and writing code that is easier to read and maintain.
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Вт 15.11.2022
Practical Microservices Architectural Patternsкнига
Event-Based Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud
Practical Microservices Architectural Patterns
About this book Take your distributed applications to the next level and see what the reference architectures associated with microservices can do for you. This book begins by showing you the distributed computing architecture landscape and provides an in-depth view of microservices architecture. Following this, you will work with CQRS, an essential pattern for microservices, and get a view of...
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Вт 08.11.2022
Docker in Practice, Second Edition
Docker in Practice, Second Edition presents over 100 practical techniques, hand-picked to help you get the most out of Docker. Following a Problem/Solution/Discussion format, you'll walk through specific examples that you can use immediately, and you'll get expert guidance on techniques that you can apply to a whole range of scenarios. About the Technology Docker’s simple idea — wrapping an...
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Чт 03.11.2022
Service-Oriented Architectureкнига
Analysis and Design for Services and Microservices
Service-Oriented Architecture
For more than a decade, Thomas Erl’s best-selling Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts, Technology, and Design has been the definitive end-to-end tutorial on SOA, service-orientation, and service technologies. Now, Erl has thoroughly updated the industry’s de facto guide to SOA to reflect new practices, technologies, and strategies that have emerged through hard-won experience and creative innovation. This Second Edition officially introduces microservices...
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