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Метод Научного Тыка
Punk-Rock & Hardcore


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City Baby Attacked By Rats
0 0 0
Год: 1982

1. Time Bomb
2. Sick Boy
3. Wardogs
4. Slut
5. Maniac
6. Gunned Down
7. I Am The Hunted
8. City Baby Attacked By Rats
9. The Prayer for a Realist
10. Passenger On The Menu
11. Heavy Discipline

City Baby’s Revenge
0 0 0
Год: 1984

1. Diplomatic Immunity
2. Drugs Party in 526
3. See the Man Run
4. Vietnamese Blues
5. Womb With a View
6. The Forbidden Zone
7. Valley of Death
8. City Baby's Revenge
9. Pins and Needles
10. Christianised Cannibals
11. Faster Faster

Midnight Madness & Beyond
0 0 0
Год: 1986

1. Limpwristed
2. Future Fugitives
3. Too Much
4. Iroquois
5. Guns & Guitars
6. Horror Story
7. Midnight Madness and Beyond...
8. Chance for Living

No Need to Panic
0 0 0
Год: 1987

1. Transylvanian Perfume
2. Hearing Screams (For The Last Time)
3. To Understand
4. Makin' Whips
5. I Shot The Marshall
6. Electricity Through Space
7. Hit The Deck
8. Rumblin' Underground
9. Desparate Times
10. Gunning For The President
11. Avenues And Alleyways

A Fridge Too Far
0 0 0
Год: 1989

1. Pass The Axe
2. Captain Chaos
3. Go Home
4. Checkin' Out
5. See You Bleed
6. When Will It End
7. A Fridge Too Far
8. Fist Of Regret
9. Needle In A Haystack
10. Twenty Floors Below
11. Nocturnal journal

From Here to Reality
0 0 0
Год: 1990

1. New Decade
2. Trust Me I'm A Doctor
3. B. M. T.
4. Mass Production
5. The Old School Of Self Destruction
6. You Don't Do Enough
7. From Here To Reality
8. Dirty Too Long

Church of the Truly Warped
1 1 0
Год: 1993

1. Pure Greed
2. Not Enough Hate
3. Leather Coffin
4. Candy Man
5. Lords Of Discipline
6. Where The Wild Things Are
7. Church Of The Truly Warped
8. Back
9. Need Energy
10. Evil Evar
11. All For The Cause

Punk Junkies
0 0 0
Год: 1997

1. Intro
2. Junkies
3. Impounded
4. Harmony
5. Tokyo After Dark
6. Shakin Hands With the Machine
7. Don't Drag Me Back
8. Break the Chains
9. Kangaroo Court
10. Stormchaser
11. Hole

Ha Ha
0 0 0
Год: 2002

1. Ha Ha
2. Falling Down
3. Crush'Em
4. I Want to Believe
5. Song for Cathy
6. Sado Methodist
7. The Unexpected
8. Belgrade
9. The Power of One
10. Dustbin Rock'N'Roll
11. The Desire of Poverty

Cruel and Unusual
0 0 0
Год: 2004

Аудиофайлов пока нет.

Perfume and Piss
0 0 0
Год: 2010

1. Unique
2. Kids Get Down
3. Perfume And Piss
4. Cadilac One
5. San Jose Wind
6. Dead Man Walking
7. Invisible Gun
8. This Is Not The Real World
9. Polytoxic
10. Ballads
11. Power Corrupts

0 0 0
Год: 2017

1. Birmingham Smiles
2. Tripwire Strange
3. No News
4. Population Bomb
5. Enemies
6. Us Against The World
7. Momentum
8. The Perfect Storm
9. Fifty What
10. I Never Asked For Any Of This
11. Blue Sky Thinking

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