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Метод Научного Тыка
Punk-Rock & Hardcore


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Студийные альбомы
Die for the Government
0 0 0
Год: 1996

1. You'd Do the Same
2. You've Got to Die for the Government
3. Drink Drank Punk
4. Rotten Future
5. Safe Tonight
6. Red White and Brainwashed
7. Davey Destroyed the Punk Scene
8. Summer Squatter Go Home
9. She's My Little Go Go Dancer
10. Police State In the USA
11. Punk by the Book

A New Kind of Army
0 0 0
Год: 1999

1. Tearing Everyone Down
2. Captain Anarchy
3. A New Kind of Army
4. That's Youth
5. No Apology
6. Got the Numbers
7. No Difference
8. I Don't Believe
9. Right On
10. What You Don't Know
11. Free Nation

Underground Network
0 0 0
Год: 2001

1. Angry, Young and Poor
2. This Machine Kills Fascists
3. Underground Network
4. Daddy Warbux
5. Vieques, Puerto Rico - Bikini Revisited
6. Stars and Stripes
7. Watch the Right
8. The Panama Deception
9. Culture Revolution
10. Spaz's House Destruction Party
11. Bring Out Your Dead

The Terror State
0 0 0
Год: 2003

1. Turncoat
2. Rank-N-File
3. Post-War Breakout
4. Sold as Freedom
5. Power to the Peaceful
6. Mind the G.A.T.T.
7. You Can Kill the Protester, But You Can't Kill the Protest

For Blood and Empire
0 0 0
Год: 2006

1. I'd Tell You But...
2. The Press Corpse
3. Emigre
4. The Project for a New American Century
5. Hymn for the Dead
6. This Is the End (For You My Friend)
7. 1 Trillion Dollar$
8. State Funeral

The Bright Lights of America
0 0 0
Год: 2008

1. Good and Ready
2. The Bright Lights of America
3. Vices
4. The Modern Rome Burning
5. If You Wanna Steal
6. No Warning
7. Spit in the Face
8. We are the Lost
9. Go West
10. Smartest Bomb
11. Shadow of the Dead

The People or the Gun
0 0 0
Год: 2009

1. Sodom, Gomorrah, Washington D.C. (Sheep In Shepherd's Clothing)
2. The Economy Is Suffering... Let It Die
3. The Gre(A)t Depression
4. We are the One
5. You are Fired (Take This Job, Ah, F#%x It)
6. This is the First Night

The General Strike
0 0 0
Год: 2012

1. Controlled Opposition
2. The Neoliberal Anthem
3. 1915
4. This is the New Sound
5. Bullshit Opportunist
6. The Ranks of the Masses Rising
7. Turn a Blind Eye
8. Broken Bones
9. I Don't Wanna
10. Nothing Recedes Like Progress
11. Resist

American Spring
0 0 0
Год: 2015

1. Fabled World
2. The Great Divide
3. Brandenburg Gate
4. Sky Is Falling
5. Walk Away
6. Song For Your Enemy
7. Set Yourself On Fire
8. All of the Poison, All of the Pain
9. Break Something
10. Without End
11. Believer

American Fall
0 0 0
Год: 2017

1. American Attraction
2. The Criminals
3. When the Wall Falls
4. Trouble Follows Me
5. Finish What We Started
6. Liar
7. Digital Blackout
8. I Came. I Saw. I Believed.

20/20 Vision
0 0 0
Год: 2020

1. Hate Conquers All
2. It Went Off Like a Bomb
3. 20/20 Vision
4. Christian Nationalist
5. Don't Let the Bastards Get You Down
6. Unbreakable
7. The Disease
8. A Nation Sleeps
9. You Make Me Sick
10. Un-American
11. Resistance Frequencies

Their System Doesn't Work for You
0 0 0
Год: 1998

1. I Can't Stand Being with You
2. Their System Doesn't Work for You
3. We've Got His Gun
4. Born to Die
5. The Truth
6. You'll Scream Tonight
7. Indie Sux, Hardline Sux, Emo Sux, You Suck!
8. Anti-Violent
9. 20 Years of Hell
10. I'm Having a Good Day
11. I Don't Want to be Like You

0 0 0
Год: 2002

1. 911 for Peace
2. Mumia's Song
3. What's the Difference
4. We Want to be Free
5. N.B.C. (No Blood-Thirsty Corporations)
6. Right to Choose
7. We Dont't Need It!
8. Anatomy of Your Enemy

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