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Метод Научного Тыка
Punk-Rock, Hardcore, Street Punk

Dead Kennedys


Студийные альбомы
Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables
0 0 0

1. Kill the Poor
2. Forward to Death
3. When Ya Get Drafted
4. Let's Lynch the Landlord
5. Drug Me
6. Your Emotions
7. Chemical Welfare
8. California Uber Alles
9. I Kill Children
10. Stealing People's Mail
11. Funland at the Beach

Plastic Surgery Disasters
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1. Government Flu
2. Terminal Preppie
3. Trust Your Mechanic
4. Well Paid Scientist
5. Buzzbomb
6. Forest Fire
7. Halloween
8. Winnebago Warrior
9. Riot
10. Bleed For Me
11. I Am The Owl

0 0 0

1. Soup Is Good Food
2. Hellnation
3. This Could Be Anywhere (This Could Be Everywhere)
4. A Growing Boy Needs His Lunch
5. Chicken Farm
6. Jock-O-Rama (Invasion of Beef Patrol)
7. Goons of Hazzard
8. M.T.V - Get Off the Air
9. At My Job

Bedtime for Democracy
0 0 0

1. Take This Job And Shove It
2. Hop With The Jet Set
3. Dear Abby
4. Rambozo The Clown
5. Fleshdunce
6. Great Wall
7. Shrink
8. Triumph Of The Swill
9. Macho Insecurity
10. I Spy
11. Cesspools In Eden

Mutiny On the Bay
0 0 0
Год: 2001
Аудиофайлов нет.

1. Introduction
2. Police Truck
3. Kill the Poor
4. Holiday in Cambodia
5. Moon Over Marin
6. California über alles
7. MTV - Get Off the Air
8. Too Drunk to Fuck
9. Goons of Hazzard
10. This Could Be Anywhere
11. Forward to Death

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