Вот пишут c Showlize про божественный дизайн блекболыча:
Dear blackball.lv owner,
Hey there,
Not sure if you knew this but your website blackball.lv has some problems that you might want to consider looking into. I spent 2-3 minutes looking around and found:
- It doesn't work properly on Mobile Phones, at all (which is how people browse the web these days).
- It doesn't adjust properly when you resize the screen (Google recommends RESPONSIVE Websites rather than ADAPTIVE)
- It's hard to read on larger displays
- The design looks really, really outdated compared to some of your competitors.
-Google,Yahoo and Bing had already noticed you several times about upgradation of your website but you have ignored it many times which may b a warning that may cause a ban to your website soon.
I actually do web design as a living so I figured I'd reach out and let you know there's serious room for dead easy(and affordable) improvement. If you would like, I can send you some of my previous work samples.
I can develop the website on a more advanced platform at an affordable price. That price also includes making it complete mobile responsive which will support all modern devices including all ranges of screen sizes.
Is that something you'd be interested in?
Alex wiliam
Senior Frontend Developer
Не знаю что там у Алекса за телефон, у меня всё показывается нормально. В отображении дизайна конечно есть проблемки, но сейчас пока не до этого.