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DeskTime: Real-time automatic time tracking software for teams
Automatic time tracking
DeskTime time tracker starts and stops working when you do, from the minute you turn on the computer, to the minute you turn it off. No manual data entries - DeskTime tracks and calculates productivity automatically for you. So that you can rely 100% on the data you see.
URL and app tracking
See what websites, programs, and applications your employees use, and categorize them into productive or unproductive for completing their work tasks. Through such internet usage monitoring, see how your employees spend their days, as well as each person's average productivity.
Document title tracking
Know which tasks your team is working on when they use specific programs, like Excel, Word, Photoshop, etc. Instead of just displaying the total time spent on the program, DeskTime will also record titles of documents or files and time spent on each of them.