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Метод Научного Тыка



0 0 0
Год: 1991

1. Meat Abstract
2. Skyward
3. Punishment Kiss
4. Animal Bones
5. Loser Cop
6. Innocent X
7. Dancin' With Manson

Pleasure Death
0 0 0
Год: 1992

1. Skinning Pit
2. Fantasy Bag
3. Shitkicker
4. Prison Breaker
5. D.L.C.
6. Potato Junkie

0 0 0
Год: 1992

1. Nausea
2. Teethgrinder
3. Disgracelands
4. Accelerator
5. Neck Freak
6. Perversonality
7. Gone
8. Zipless
9. Deep Sleep
10. Hypermania

0 0 0
Год: 1994

1. Knives
2. Screamager
3. Hellbelly
4. Stop It You're Killing Me
5. Nowhere
6. Die Laughing
7. Unbeliever
8. Trigger Inside
9. Lunacy Booth
10. Isolation
11. Turn

Infernal Love
0 0 0
Год: 1995

1. Epilepsy
2. Stories
3. A Moment Of Clarity
4. Jude The Obscene
5. Bowels Of Love
6. Misery
7. Bad Mother
8. Me Vs You
9. Loose
10. Diane
11. 30 Seconds

0 0 0
Год: 1998

1. Church of Noise
2. Tightrope Walker
3. Black Eye, Purple Sky
4. Lonely, Cryin', Only
5. Born Too Soon
6. Stay Happy
7. Safe
8. Straight Life
9. Heaven's Gate
10. Don't Expect Roses
11. Tramline

Suicide Pact – You First
0 0 0
Год: 1999

1. He's Not That Kind of Girl
2. Wall of Mouths
3. Jam Jar Jail
4. Hate Kill Destroy
5. Big Cave in
6. Six Mile Water
7. Little Tongues First
8. Ten Year Plan
9. God Kicks
10. Other People's Misery
11. Sister Whilst I Pursue My Way Unharmed

0 0 0
Год: 2001

1. Gimme Back My Brain
2. Dance
3. This Ones For You
4. I Am the Money
5. Wicked Man
6. Theme From Delorean
7. Joey
8. Endless Psychology
9. Alrite
10. Body Bag Girl
11. Tango Romeo

High Anxiety
0 0 0
Год: 2003

1. Hey Satan You Rock
2. Who Knows
3. Stand In Line
4. Nobody Here But Us
5. Watch You Go
6. If It Kills Me
7. Not In Any Name
8. My Voodoo Doll
9. Limbo
10. Last Blast
11. Rust

Never Apologise Never Explain
0 0 0
Год: 2004

1. Rise Up (Make Yourself Well)
2. Die Like a Mother Fucker
3. Perish the Thought
4. Here Be Monsters
5. So Called Life
6. Panic
7. Polar Bear
8. Rock You Monkeys
9. Dead
10. Long Distance
11. This Ship Is Sinking

One Cure Fits All
0 0 0
Год: 2006

1. Outro
2. Sprung
3. Deluded Son
4. Into The Light
5. Lose It All
6. Dopamine, Seratonin, Adrenaline
7. Unconsoled
8. Our White Noise
9. Private Nobody
10. Rain Hits Concrete
11. Fear Of God

Crooked Timber
0 0 0
Год: 2009

1. The Head That Tried To Strangle Itself
2. Enjoy The Struggle
3. Clowns Galore
4. Exiles
5. Crooked Timber
6. I Told You I Was Ill
7. Somnambulist
8. Blacken The Page
9. Magic Mountain
10. Bad Excuse For Daylight

A Brief Crack of Light
0 0 0
Год: 2012

1. Living In The Shadow of the Terrible Thing
2. Plague Bell
3. Marlow
4. Before You, With You, After You
5. The Buzzing
6. Get Your Dead Hand Off My Shoulder
7. Ghost Trio
8. Why Turbulence
9. Stark Raving Sane
10. Ecclesiastes

0 0 0
Год: 2015

1. Still Hurts
2. Tides
3. Good News Is No News
4. Fall Behind
5. Idiot Cousin
6. Helpless Still Lost
7. Insecurity
8. Vulgar Display of Powder
9. Words Fail Me
10. Torment Sorrow Misery Strife
11. Deathstimate

0 0 0

1. Wreck It Like Beckett
2. Kakistocracy
3. Callow
4. Expelled
5. Success Success Is Survival
6. Save Me From The Ordinary
7. Crutch
8. I Stand Alone
9. Dumbdown
10. No Sunshine

Days Go By
Days Go By (2012)
Slim Pickens Does the Right Thing and Rides the Bomb to Hell
Days Go By
Days Go By (2012)
The Future Is Now
Панк Революция #1
Панк Революция #1 (1996)
Ё.ЖИ - И Серёжа тоже
Панк Революция #1
Панк Революция #1 (1996)
Ё.ЖИ - Не бойся машины!
Панк Революция #1
Панк Революция #1 (1996)
Satan claus - Ангел
Панк Революция #1
Панк Революция #1 (1996)
Satan claus - Город детей
Богиня морга
Богиня морга (2018)
72 Seasons
72 Seasons (2023)
72 Seasons
72 Seasons (2023)
You Must Burn!
72 Seasons
72 Seasons (2023)
72 Seasons
Лихорадка неясного генеза
Лихорадка неясного генеза (1998)
Убей тинейджера!
Убей тинейджера! (2000)
Пожар в кукольном театре
Убей тинейджера!
Убей тинейджера! (2000)
Убей тинейджера
Anthems From the Alleyway
Anthems From the Alleyway (1996)
Crowd Control
As the Dark Against My Halo
As the Dark Against My Halo (2012)
Stay Out of Order
Stay Out of Order (2000)
Society's Fodder (Riot_Squad_cover)
Подъездам, крышам и дворам
Подъездам, крышам и дворам (2021)
Живое оружие (акустика)
Wolves In Wolves' Clothing
Wolves In Wolves' Clothing (2006)
Wolves In Wolves' Clothing
The Pale Emperor
The Pale Emperor (2015)
Fall of the House of Death
'Til Death Do Us Unite
'Til Death Do Us Unite (1997)
Master of Disguise

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