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Scientific Poke Method
Metal, Hard & Heavy & Dark

Machine Head


Burn My Eyes
0 0 0
Year: 1994

There are no audio files yet.

The More Things Change...
0 0 0
Year: 1997

There are no audio files yet.

The Burning Red
0 0 0
Year: 1999
Аудиофайлов нет.

1. Enter the Phoenix
2. Desire to Fire
3. Nothing Left
4. The Blood, the Sweat, the Tears
5. Silver
6. From This Day
7. Exhale the Vile
8. Message In the Bottle
9. Devil With the King's Card
10. I Defy
11. Five

0 0 0
Year: 2001

There are no audio files yet.

Through the Ashes of Empires
0 0 0
Year: 2003
Аудиофайлов нет.

1. Imperium
2. Bite the Bullet
3. Left Unfinished
4. Elegy
5. In the Presence of My Enemies
6. Days Turn Pale to Gray
7. All Falls Down
8. Descend the Shades of Night

The Blackening
0 0 0
Year: 2007

There are no audio files yet.

Unto the Locust
0 0 0
Year: 2011

There are no audio files yet.

Bloodstone & Diamonds
0 0 0
Year: 2014

There are no audio files yet.

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