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Тег: javascript

Пн 29.04.2024
300+ вопросов по JavaScript на собеседовании
Дорогие друзья! Предлагаем вашему вниманию перевод статьи, опубликованной на DOU.ua 21 декабря 2020 года. Оригинальная версия на украинском языке доступна по ссылке . На этот раз предлагаем ознакомиться с актуальными вопросами, которые задают на технических интервью по JavaScript. Естественно, мы...
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Пн 15.04.2024
30 вопросов на собеседовании фронтенд разработчика
Уверены, что вопросы на собеседовании frontend — настоящая боль? Мы взяли на себя поиск наиболее популярных и дали на них развёрнутые ответы. Казалось бы, вопросы на собеседовании frontend разработчика Junior не должны отличаться от стандартных задачек с IT-сайтов. Даже мы...
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Вт 13.02.2024
DOM Enlightenmentкнига
Exploring JavaScript and the Modern DOM
DOM Enlightenment
With DOM Enlightenment, you’ll learn how to manipulate HTML more efficiently by scripting the Document Object Model (DOM) without a DOM library. Using code examples in cookbook style, author Cody Lindley ( jQuery Cookbook ) walks you through modern DOM concepts to demonstrate how various node objects work. Over the past decade, developers have buried the DOM under frameworks that...
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Пн 29.05.2023
10 продвинутых способов писать в консоль помимо console.log
Когда вам нужно что-то отдебажить на фронтенде, вы юзаете console.log Одной из проблем юзания console.log может быть "засорение" консоли, что затрудняет чтение консоли. Ниже обсудим 10 способов как улучшить запись в консоль: 1. console.table Вместо того, чтобы просто выводить массив...
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Пн 15.05.2023
Асинхронный JavaScript: изучаем Async/Await, Callbacks и Promises
Сегодня мы попытаемся построить и запустить магазин мороженого, при этом одновременно изучить асинхронный JavaScript. Также вы узнаете, как использовать: Callbacks. Promises. Async / Await. Вот что мы рассмотрим в этой статье: Что такое асинхронный JavaScript. Синхронный и асинхронный JavaScript. Как...
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Чт 20.04.2023
Learning Reactкнига
Modern Patterns for Developing React Apps
Learning React
If you want to learn how to build efficient React applications, this is your book. Ideal for web developers and software engineers who understand how JavaScript, CSS, and HTML work in the browser, this updated edition provides best practices and patterns for writing modern React code. No prior knowledge of React or functional JavaScript is necessary. With their learning road...
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Вт 18.04.2023
JavaScript Everywhereкнига
Building Cross-Platform Applications with GraphQL, React, React Native, and Electron
JavaScript Everywhere
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Чт 13.04.2023
Fullstack React with TypeScript
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Вт 11.04.2023
Fullstack Reactкнига
The Complete Guide to ReactJS and Friends
Fullstack React
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Чт 06.04.2023
React and React Native, 3rd Edition
Get up to speed with React, React Native, GraphQL and Apollo for building cross-platform native apps with the help of practical examples. Key Features Covers the latest features of React such as Hooks, Suspense, NativeBase, and Apollo in this updated third edition. Get to grips with the React architecture for writing easy-to-manage web and mobile applications. Understand GraphQL and Apollo...
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Вт 04.04.2023
Full-Stack React Projects, 2nd Edition
Learn MERN stack development by building modern web apps using MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js   A practical, project-based guide to full-stack JavaScript web development combining the power of React with industry-tested server-side technologies Key features Build your career as a full-stack developer with this practical guide Understand how the different aspects of a MERN application come together through a...
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Пн 03.04.2023
Фреймворк Angular используется при создании SPA и предлагает большое количество инструментов как для создания, непосредственно, элементов интерфейса, так и CLI для создания и управления структурой файлов, относящихся к приложению. Для создания проекта с использованием библиотеки Angular, официальный сайт предлагает нам...
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Чт 30.03.2023
The Road to Reactкнига
Your journey to master plain yet pragmatic React
The Road to React
If you are looking for a comprehensive and pragmatic yet concise and up-to-date React.js feat. Hooks book, the "Road to React" is for you. What you will learn In "The Road to React" you will learn about all the fundamentals of React.js with Hooks while building a full-blown React application step by step. While you create the React application, every...
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Чт 23.03.2023
React Hooks in Actionкнига
With Suspense and Concurrent Mode
React Hooks in Action
Build stylish, slick, and speedy-to-load user interfaces in React without writing custom classes. React Hooks are a new category of functions that help you to manage state, lifecycle, and side effects within functional components. WithReact Hooks in Action, you'll be a more effective React developer!React Hooks in Actionshows you how to use Hooks to make your codebase simpler and more...
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Вт 21.03.2023
Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScriptкнига
With jQuery, CSS & HTML5
Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript
Build interactive, data-driven websites with the potent combination of open source technologies and web standards, even if you have only basic HTML knowledge. In this update to this popular hands-on guide, you’ll tackle dynamic web programming with the latest versions of today’s core technologies: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, and key jQuery libraries. Web designers will learn how to use...
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Вт 07.02.2023
Бессерверные приложения на JavaScript
Преимущества облачных бессерверных веб-приложений бесспорны: меньшая сложность, быстрое продвижение на рынок и автоматическая масштабируемость выгодно отличают их от традиционных серверных проектов. А благодаря поддержке JavaScript в AWS Lambda и мощным новым бессерверным инструментам, таким как библиотека Claudia.js, вы можете создавать и развертывать бессерверные приложения, не изучая новый язык. Данная книга научит вас проектировать и создавать бессерверные веб-приложения на AWS с...
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Чт 05.01.2023
Programming JavaScript Applicationsкнига
Robust Web Architecture with Node, HTML5, and Modern JS Libraries
Programming JavaScript Applications
Take advantage of JavaScript’s power to build robust web-scale or enterprise applications that are easy to extend and maintain. By applying the design patterns outlined in this practical book, experienced JavaScript developers will learn how to write flexible and resilient code that’s easier—yes, easier—to work with as your code base grows. JavaScript may be the most essential web programming language,...
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Вт 11.10.2022
Composing Softwareкнига
Composing Software
All software design is composition: the act of breaking complex problems down into smaller problems and composing those solutions. Most developers have a limited understanding of compositional techniques. It's time for that to change. In "Composing Software", Eric Elliott shares the fundamentals of composition, including both function composition and object composition, and explores them in the context of JavaScript. The...
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Чт 06.10.2022
Data Structures and Algorithms with JavaScript
As an experienced JavaScript developer moving to server-side programming, you need to implement classic data structures and algorithms associated with conventional object-oriented languages like C# and Java. This practical guide shows you how to work hands-on with a variety of storage mechanisms—including linked lists, stacks, queues, and graphs—within the constraints of the JavaScript environment. Determine which data structures and algorithms...
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Вт 04.10.2022
Programming HTML5 Applicationsкнига
Building Powerful Cross-Platform Environments in Javascript
Programming HTML5 Applications
Move beyond simple site creation and build web applications with HTML5 that can compete with desktop apps and run on mobile devices. This practical guide shows you how HTML5's JavaScript APIs give you the power to take web development into many fields that used to require platform-specific development—particularly mobile deployment. You'll not only discover how to take advantage of local...
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Чт 26.05.2022
Создаем динамические веб-сайты с помощью PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS и HTML5
Научитесь создавать интерактивные сайты, активно работающие с данными, воплощая в них мощные ком- бинации свободно распространяемых технологий и веб-стандартов. Для этого достаточно обладать базовыми знаниями языка HTML. Это популярное и доступное пособие поможет вам уверенно освоить динамическое веб-программирование с применением самых современных языков и технологий: PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, CSS и HTML5. С каждой из упомянутых технологий вы познакомитесь отдельно, научитесь...
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Вт 10.05.2022
You Don't Know JS: Types & Grammar
No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don’t fully understand the language. As part of the "You Don’t Know JS" series, this compact guide explores JavaScript types in greater depth than previous treatments by looking at type coercion problems, demonstrating why types work, and showing you how to take advantage of these features. Like other...
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2 года назад, 09:00
You Don't Know JS: ES6 & Beyond
No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don't fully understand the language. As part of the "You Don't Know JS" series, this compact guide focuses on new features available in ECMAScript 6 (ES6), the latest version of the standard upon which JavaScript is built. Like other books in this series, You Don't Know JS: ES6...
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2 года назад, 09:08
You Don't Know JS: Async & Performance
No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don’t fully understand the language. As part of the "You Don’t Know JS" series, this concise yet in-depth guide focuses on new asynchronous features and performance techniques — including Promises, generators, and Web Workers — that let you create sophisticated single-page web applications and escape callback hell in...
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Чт 28.04.2022
You Don't Know JS: Up & Going
The series’ first book, Up & Going, provides the necessary background for those of you with limited programming experience. By learning the basic building blocks of programming, as well as JavaScript’s core mechanisms, you’ll be prepared to dive into the other, more in-depth books in the series — and be well on your way toward true JavaScript. With this book...
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Вт 26.04.2022
You Don't Know JS: this & Object Prototypes
No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don’t fully understand the language. This concise, in-depth guide takes you inside JavaScript’s this structure and object prototypes. You’ll learn how they work and why they’re integral to behavior delegation — a design pattern in which objects are linked, rather than cloned. Like other books in the “You...
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Чт 21.04.2022
You Don't Know JS: Scope & Closures
No matter how much experience you have with JavaScript, odds are you don’t fully understand the language. This concise yet in-depth guide takes you inside scope and closures, two core concepts you need to know to become a more efficient and effective JavaScript programmer. You’ll learn how and why they work, and how an understanding of closures can be a...
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Чт 14.10.2021
TypeScript: Modern JavaScript Development
Leverage the features of TypeScript to boost your development skills and create captivating applications. TypeScript is an open source and cross-platform typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript that runs in any browser or any host. TypeScript adds optional static types, classes, and modules to JavaScript, to enable great tooling and better structuring of large JavaScript applications. Through...
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Чт 16.09.2021
Pro JavaScript Design Patterns
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Чт 24.06.2021
Mastering JavaScript Design Patterns
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Вт 18.05.2021
JavaScript Patterns
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Чт 08.04.2021
Learning JavaScript Design Patterns
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Пн 05.04.2021
Замыкания — это одна из фундаментальных концепций JavaScript, вызывающая сложности у многих новичков, знать и понимать которую должен каждый JS-программист. Хорошо разобравшись с замыканиями, вы сможете писать более качественный, эффективный и чистый код. А это, в свою очередь, будет способствовать...
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Вт 03.03.2020
Get Programming with JavaScript
Get Programming with JavaScript is a hands-on introduction to programming for readers who have never programmed. You'll be writing your own web apps, games, and programs in no time! Foreword by Remy Sharp. About the Book Are you ready to start writing your own web apps, games, and programs? You’re in the right place! Get Programming with JavaScript is a...
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Вт 25.02.2020
JavaScript Application Designкнига
A Build First Approach
JavaScript Application Design
The fate of most applications is often sealed before a single line of code has been written. How is that possible? Simply, bad design assures bad results. Good design and effective processes are the foundation on which maintainable applications are built, scaled, and improved. For JavaScript developers, this means discovering the tooling, modern libraries, and architectural patterns that enable those...
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Вт 20.08.2019
Effective JavaScript: 68 Specific Ways to Harness the Power of JavaScript
In order to truly master JavaScript, you need to learn how to work effectively with the language’s flexible, expressive features and how to avoid its pitfalls. No matter how long you’ve been writing JavaScript code, Effective JavaScript will help deepen your understanding of this powerful language, so you can build more predictable, reliable, and maintainable programs. Author David Herman, with...
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Вт 13.08.2019
JavaScript. Шаблоны
Разработчики серверных, клиентских или настольных приложений на JavaScript нередко сталкиваются с проблемами, связанными с объектами, функциями, наследованием и другими особенностями этого языка. Какие же приемы разработки приложений на JavaScript являются наиболее удачными? Данная книга дает ответ на этот вопрос, предлагая большое количество различных шаблонов программирования на JavaScript, таких как "единственный объект" (singleton), "фабрика" (factory), "декоратор" (decorator) и другие. Можно сказать,...
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Вт 06.08.2019
Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja
JavaScript developers commonly rely on collections of reusable JavaScript code–written by themselves or by someone else at their company. Alternatively, they rely on code from a third party. But in all these cases they need to know how to either construct a cross-browser library from scratch or be adept at using and maintaining their library of choice. In Secrets of...
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Вт 30.07.2019
Eloquent JavaScript, 3rd Edition
This is a book about instructing computers. Computers are about as common as screwdrivers today, but they are quite a bit more complex, and making them do what you want them to do isn’t always easy. If the task you have for your computer is a common, well-understood one, such as showing you your email or acting like a calculator,...
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Вт 07.05.2019
Speaking JavaScript
Like it or not, JavaScript is everywhere these days—from browser to server to mobile—and now you, too, need to learn the language or dive deeper than you have. This concise book guides you into and through JavaScript, written by a veteran programmer who once found himself in the same position. Speaking JavaScript helps you approach the language with four standalone...
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Вт 23.04.2019
High Performance JavaScript
If you’re like most developers, you rely heavily on JavaScript to build interactive and quick-responding web applications. The problem is that all of those lines of JavaScript code can slow down your apps. This book reveals techniques and strategies to help you eliminate performance bottlenecks during development. You’ll learn how to improve execution time, downloading, interaction with the DOM, page...
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Вт 16.04.2019
Сила JavaScriptкнига
68 способов эффективного использования JS
Сила JavaScript
Эта книга поможет вам освоить всю мощь языка программирования JavaScript и научит применять его максимально эффективно. Автор описывает внутреннюю работу языка на понятных практических примерах, которые помогут как начинающим программистам, так и опытным разработчикам повысить уровень понимания JavaScript и существенно обогатить опыт его применения в своей работе. В книге содержится 68 проверенных подходов для написания "чистого" и работающего кода на...
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Вт 02.04.2019
Functional Programming in JavaScript
Unlock the powers of functional programming hidden within JavaScript to build smarter, cleaner, and more reliable web apps. If you are a JavaScript developer interested in learning functional programming, looking for the quantum leap towards mastering the JavaScript language, or just want to become a better programmer in general, then this book is ideal for you. It is aimed at...
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