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Apps and Services with .NET 7
Build practical projects with Blazor, .NET MAUI, gRPC, GraphQL, and other enterprise technologies

Apps and Services with .NET 7
Добавлено: Вт 03.10.2023 • Sergeant
Автор: Mark J. Price
Год: 2022
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 815
Размер: 18,76 МБ
Просмотров: 584

Bestselling author Mark Price is back to guide you through the coolest and most common technologies a .NET developer should know: Blazor, .NET MAUI, gRPC, GraphQL, SQL Server, Cosmos DB, OData, SignalR, Azure Functions, and more!

Key Features

  • Build services using a variety of technologies including Web API, OData, gRPC, GraphQL, SignalR, and Azure Functions.
  • Learn how to use specialized libraries to improve all aspects of your applications, including performance and localization.
  • Leverage .NET MAUI to develop cross-platform desktop and mobile apps with ease.

Book Description

Apps and Services with .NET 7 is for .NET 6 and .NET 7 developers who want to kick their C# and .NET understanding up a gear by learning the practical skills and knowledge they need to build real-world applications and services. It covers specialized libraries that will help you monitor and improve performance, secure your data and applications, and internationalize your code and apps.

With chapters that put a variety of technologies into practice, including Web API, OData, gRPC, GraphQL, SignalR, and Azure Functions, this book will give you a broader scope of knowledge than other books that often focus on only a handful of .NET technologies. It covers the latest developments, libraries, and technologies that will help keep you up to date.

You'll also leverage .NET MAUI to develop mobile apps for iOS and Android as well as desktop apps for Windows and macOS.

What you will learn

  • Learn how to build more efficient, secure, and scalable apps and services.
  • Leverage specialized .NET libraries to improve your applications.
  • Implement popular third-party libraries like Serilog and FluentValidation.
  • Build cross-platform apps with .NET MAUI and integrate with native mobile features.
  • Get familiar with a variety of technologies for implementing services like gRPC and GraphQL.
  • Explore Blazor WebAssembly and use open-source Blazor component libraries.
  • Store and manage data locally and in the cloud with SQL Server and Cosmos DB.

Who this book is for

This book is for .NET developers interested in exploring more specialized libraries and implementation fundamentals behind building services and apps.

You'll need to know your way around .NET and C# quite well before you can dive in, so if you want to work your way up to this book, pick up Mark's other .NET book, C# 11 and .NET 7 – Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals, first.

Table of Contents

- Introducing Apps and Services with .NET.
- Managing Relational Data Using SQL Server.
- Managing NoSQL Data Using Azure Cosmos DB.
- Benchmarking Performance, Multitasking, and Concurrency.
- Implementing Popular Third-Party Libraries.
- Observing and Modifying Code Execution Dynamically.
- Handling Dates, Times, and Internationalization.
- Protecting Your Data and Applications.
- Building and Securing Web Services with Minimal APIs.
- Exposing Data via the Web Using OData.
- Combining Data Sources Using GraphQL.
- Building Efficient Microservices Using gRPC.
- Broadcasting Real-Time Communication Using SignalR.
- Building Serverless Nanoservices Using Azure Functions.
- Building Web User Interfaces Using ASP.NET Core.
- Building Web Components Using Blazor WebAssembly.
- Leveraging Open-Source Blazor Component Libraries.
- Building Mobile and Desktop Apps Using .NET MAUI.
- Integrating .NET MAUI Apps with Blazor and Native Platforms.
- Introducing the Survey Project Challenge.
- Epilogue.

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