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Тег: aspnet

Вт 30.01.2024
Ultimate ASP.NET Core Web APIкнига
From Complete Noob To Six-Figure Backend Developer
Ultimate ASP.NET Core Web API
A complete, hands-on, and easy to digest program that gets you from zero to building production-ready APIs in just a few weeks.
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Вт 02.01.2024
ASP.NET Core 5 for Beginners
Kick-start your ASP.NET web development journey with the help of step-by-step tutorials and examples
ASP.NET Core 5 for Beginners
Learn how to build web applications efficiently using ASP.NET Core 5 with the C# programming language and related frameworks. Key Features - Build web apps and services and cross-platform applications using .NET and C#; - Understand different web programming concepts with the help of real-world examples; - Explore the new features and APIs in ASP.NET Core 5, EF Core, Visual...
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Вт 05.12.2023
Pro ASP.NET Core Identity
Under the Hood with Authentication and Authorization in ASP.NET Core 5 and 6 Applications
Pro ASP.NET Core Identity
Get the most from ASP.NET Core Identity. Best-selling author Adam Freeman teaches developers common authentication and user management scenarios and explains how they are implemented in applications. He covers each topic clearly and concisely, and the book is packed with the essential details you need to be effective. The book takes a deep dive into the Identity framework and explains...
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Вт 21.02.2023
Modern Web Development with ASP.NET Core 3книга
An end to end guide covering the latest features of Visual Studio 2019, Blazor and Entity Framework, 2nd Edition
Modern Web Development with ASP.NET Core 3
Explore the tools and techniques to build scalable and secured restful web services and web applications using C# 8 and ASP. NET CORE 3.1 Key Features Delve into MVC patterns, configuration, routing, and deployment to build professional-grade applications Learn how to integrate ASP applications with the JavaScript frameworks React, Vue, and Angular Improve the performance of applications and the development...
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Чт 09.02.2023
Pro ASP.NET Core 3книга
Develop Cloud-Ready Web Applications Using MVC, Blazor, and Razor Pages
Pro ASP.NET Core 3
Now in its 8th edition, Pro ASP.NET Core has been thoroughly updated for ASP.NET Core 3. This comprehensive, full-color guide is the only book you need to learn ASP.NET Core development. Professional developers get ready to produce leaner applications for the ASP.NET Core platform. This edition puts ASP.NET Core 3 into context, and takes a deep dive into the tools...
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2 года назад, 09:13
ASP.NET Core 3 and React
Build modern, scalable, and cloud-ready single-page applications using ASP.NET Core, React, TypeScript, and Azure. Key Features: 1. Explore the full potential and latest features of .NET Core 3.0, TypeScript 3, and React 2. Learn to manage data, application design, packaging, and security aspects of your web applications 3. Best practices to help you build a scalable frontend with React and...
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Вт 21.09.2021
Pro ASP.NET Core MVC, Sixth Edition
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Вт 06.07.2021
ASP.NET Web APIкнига
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Чт 10.06.2021
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Пн 29.03.2021
The primary purpose of any caching mechanism is to improve performance of an application. As an ASP.NET developer you are probably aware that ASP.NET web forms as well as ASP.NET MVC could used Cache object to cache application data. This...
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Чт 25.03.2021
ASP.NET MVC 4 Recipes
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Вт 23.03.2021
ASP.NET MVC 4 and the Web API
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Вт 11.02.2020
ASP.NET MVC Succinctly
The ASP.NET MVC Succinctly was written by Nick Harrison. This concise overview will teach you how to build robust web apps without having to worry about view states, page life cycles, and complex UI elements that weigh down other frameworks. You’ll also learn how to integrate your app with jQuery, and how to use MVC scaffolding to automatically generate the...
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Вт 14.01.2020
Mastering ASP.NET Web API
Microsoft has unified their main web development platforms. This unification will help develop web applications using various pieces of the ASP.NET platform that can be deployed on both Windows and LINUX. With ASP.NET Core (Web API), it will become easier than ever to build secure HTTP services that can be used from any client. Mastering ASP.NET Web API starts with...
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Вт 07.01.2020
ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5
Develop a simple, yet fully-functional modern web application using ASP.NET Core MVC, Entity Framework and Angular 5. Become fluent in both frontend and backend web development by combining the impressive capabilities of ASP.NET Core 2 and Angular 5 from project setup right through the deployment phase. Full-stack web development means being able to work on both the frontend and backend...
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Пн 19.08.2019
While we are working on a project, our main goal is to make it work as it supposed to and fulfill all the customer’s requirements. But wouldn’t you agree that creating a project that works is not enough? Shouldn’t that...
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Вт 05.02.2019
Modern API Design with ASP.NET Core 2
Use ASP.NET Core 2 to create durable and cross-platform web APIs through a series of applied, practical scenarios. Examples in this book help you build APIs that are fast and scalable. You’ll progress from the basics of the framework through to solving the complex problems encountered in implementing secure RESTful services. The book is packed full of examples showing how...
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Вт 29.01.2019
ASP.NET Core in Action
ASP.NET Core in Action is for C# developers without any web development experience who want to get started and productive fast using ASP.NET Core 2.0 to build web applications.
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Вт 15.01.2019
ASP.NET Core. Разработка приложений
Современные разработчики занимаются построением кроссплатформенных приложений, их сопровождением и развертыванием. Чтобы облегчить им тяжкий труд, был создан новый фреймворк компании Microsoft — ASP.NET Core. Теперь в вашем распоряжении множество разнообразных библиотек с открытым кодом, более того, сам фреймворк является продуктом с открытым кодом. Как же освоить все новые возможности, предоставляемые ASP.NET Core? Авторы объясняют решение конкретных задач на примере вымышленной...
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Вт 08.01.2019
Pro Entity Framework Core 2 for ASP.NET Core MVC
Model, map, and access data effectively with Entity Framework Core 2, the latest evolution of Microsoft’s object-relational mapping framework that allows developers to access data using .NET objects, and the most common data access layer used in ASP.NET Core MVC 2 projects. Best-selling author Adam Freeman explains how to get the most from Entity Framework Core 2 in MVC projects....
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Вт 01.01.2019
Front-end Development with ASP.NET Core, Angular, and Bootstrap
Front-End Development with ASP.NET Core, Angular, and Bootstrap is the professional's guide to fast, responsive web development. Utilizing the most popular combination of web technologies for Microsoft developers, this guide provides the latest best practices and ASP.NET MVP guidance to get you up to speed quickly. The newest ASP.NET - now called ASP.NET Core - is leaner, easier to use,...
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Вт 11.09.2018
Expert ASP.NET Web API 2 for MVC Developers
Web API 2 is the latest evolution of Microsoft's web services toolkit, which allows the creation of RESTful applications built on the ASP.NET platform. It provides a standards-based approach and a high-productivity development model that makes it easy to deliver services to a wide-range of clients, including mobile devices. This book puts Web API into context for the experienced MVC...
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Вт 21.08.2018
Essential Angular for ASP.NET Core MVC
Discover Angular, the leading client-side web framework, from the point of view of an ASP.NET Core MVC developer. Best-selling author Adam Freeman brings these two key technologies together and explains how to use ASP.NET Core MVC to provide back-end services for Angular applications. This fast-paced, practical guide starts from the nuts and bolt and gives you the knowledge you need...
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Вт 14.08.2018
ASP.NET Core Recipes, 2nd Edition
Quickly find solutions to common web development problems. Content is presented in the popular problem-solution format. Look up the problem that you want to solve. Read the solution. Apply the solution directly in your own code. Problem solved! ASP.NET Core Recipes is a practical guide for developers creating modern web applications, cutting through the complexities of ASP.NET, jQuery, React, and...
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Пн 13.08.2018
The difference between Web Farm and Web Garden
WEB FARM: A hosting environment consisting of multiple web servers is said to be a Web Farm. Usually a load balancer is used to tie together the web servers, which routes incoming requests amongst the servers within the web farm....
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Ср 16.03.2016
Pro ASP.NET 4 in C# 2010, 4th Edition
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Пн 15.02.2016
Pro ASP.NET MVC 3 Framework, 3rd Edition
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Ср 10.02.2016
Pro ASP.NET MVC 4, 4th Edition
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Сб 19.06.2010
Professional DevExpress ASP.NET Controls
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Designing Data-Intensive Applications Вт 14.05.2024
Designing Data-Intensive Applications
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Fundamentals of Software Architecture Вт 07.05.2024
Fundamentals of Software Architecture
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Refactoring with C# Вт 23.04.2024
Refactoring with C#
Год: 2023

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