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Essential Angular for ASP.NET Core MVC

Essential Angular for ASP.NET Core MVC
Добавлено: Вт 21.08.2018 • Sergeant
Автор: Adam Freeman
Год: 2017
Формат: PDF
Размер: 7,71 МБ
Просмотров: 636

Discover Angular, the leading client-side web framework, from the point of view of an ASP.NET Core MVC developer. Best-selling author Adam Freeman brings these two key technologies together and explains how to use ASP.NET Core MVC to provide back-end services for Angular applications. This fast-paced, practical guide starts from the nuts and bolt and gives you the knowledge you need to combine Angular (from version 2.0 up) and ASP.NET Core MVC in your projects.

What You’ll Learn

- Gain a solid understanding of how ASP.NET Core MVC and Angular can work together - Learn how to use Visual Studio 2017 to develop Angular/ASP.NET Core MVC projects - Learn how create ASP.NET Core RESTful web services to support Angular applications - Learn how to expose data from Entity Framework Core to Angular applications - Learn how to use ASP.NET Core Identity to provide security services to Angular applications

Each topic is covered clearly and concisely and is packed with the essential details you need to learn to be truly effective.

Who This Book Is For

This book is for developers with a knowledge of ASP.NET Core MVC who are introducing Angular into their projects.

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