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Тег: database

Ср 03.04.2024
Introduction This is just a simple article visually explaining SQL JOINs. Background I'm a pretty visual person. Things seem to make more sense as a picture. I looked all over the Internet for a good graphical representation of SQL JOINs,...
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Ср 17.01.2024
Entity Framework Core features in 2023 EF Core 2023 has rolled out some pretty cool stuff, and I’m excited to share it with you. So, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s get started! 1. Cosmos DB Provider Improvements Azure...
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Вт 09.01.2024
Practical Azure SQL Database for Modern Developers
Building Applications in the Microsoft Cloud
Practical Azure SQL Database for Modern Developers
Here is the expert-level, insider guidance you need on using Azure SQL Database as your back-end data store. This book highlights best practices in everything ranging from full-stack projects to mobile applications to critical, back-end APIs. The book provides instruction on accessing your data from any language and platform. And you learn how to push processing-intensive work into the database...
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Чт 24.03.2022
The Definitive Guide to SQLite, Second Edition
The Definitive Guide to SQLite, Second Edition is your one-stop resource for integrating one of the most advanced and innovative open source database management systems into your development projects. SQLite is freely-available and comes with an amazingly small foot print of less than 300 kilobytes for a full-blown implementation. It’s perfect for mobile and other embedded implementations, including the iPhone...
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Вт 15.03.2022
PostgreSQL Server Programming, Second Edition
This book will show you that PostgreSQL is so much more than a database server. In fact, it could even be seen as an application development framework, with the added bonuses of transaction support, massive data storage, journaling, recovery, and a host of other features that the PostgreSQL engine provides. You will get to grips with creating libraries of useful...
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Чт 03.03.2022
Troubleshooting PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source, object-relational database system. PostgreSQL offers many advantages for your company or business over other database systems. This book is your practical guide to understanding the advanced techniques used to handle complex data and methods to solve issues that you might face while working with PostgreSQL. We will start with discussing the issues that arise...
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Вт 01.03.2022
PostgreSQL Developer's Guide
About This Book - Design efficient, real-world database solutions and extend your knowledge of database concepts. - Learn how to program using native PostgreSQL procedural languages to write custom functions. - Explore database partitioning and learn about query optimization techniques. Who This Book Is For If you are a database developer who wants to learn how to design and implement...
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Чт 24.02.2022
Работа с PostgreSQL, настройка и масштабирование
Перед вами справочное пособие по настройке и масштабированию PostgreSQL. В книге исследуются вопросы по настройке производительности PostgreSQL, репликации и кластеризации. Изобилие реальных примеров позволит как начинающим, так и опытным разработчикам быстро разобраться с особенностями масштабирования PostgreSQL для своих приложений.
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Вт 22.02.2022
PostgreSQL Cookbook
PostgreSQL is an open source database management system. It is used for a wide variety of development practices such as software and web design, as well as for handling large datasets (big data). With the goal of teaching you the skills to master PostgreSQL, the book begins by giving you a glimpse of the unique features of PostgreSQL and how...
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Чт 17.02.2022
PostgreSQL Administration Cookbook, 9.5/9.6 Edition
PostgreSQL is a powerful opensource database management system; now recognized as the expert's choice for a wide range of applications, it has an enviable reputation for performance and stability. PostgreSQL provides an integrated feature set comprising relational database features, object-relational, text search, Geographical Info Systems, analytical tools for big data and JSON/XML document management. Starting with short and simple recipes,...
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Вт 15.02.2022
Practical MongoDB: Architecting, Developing, and Administering MongoDB
The “one-size-fits-all” thinking regarding traditional RDBMSs has been challenged in the last few years by the emergence of diversified NoSQL databases. More than 120 NoSQL databases are now available in the market, and the market leader by far is MongoDB. With so many companies opting for MongoDB as their NoSQL database of choice, there’s a need for a practical how-to...
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Чт 10.02.2022
MongoDB in Actionкнига
MongoDB in Action
MongoDB in Action is a comprehensive guide to MongoDB for application developers. The book begins by explaining what makes MongoDB unique and describing its ideal use cases. A series of tutorials designed for MongoDB mastery then leads into detailed examples for leveraging MongoDB in e-commerce, social networking, analytics, and other common applications. About the Technology Big data can mean big...
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Чт 30.12.2021
PostgreSQL High Availability Cookbook, Second Edition
Master over 100 recipes to design and implement a highly available server with the advanced features of PostgreSQL. Databases are nothing without the data they store. In the event of a failure – catastrophic or otherwise – immediate recovery is essential. By carefully combining multiple servers, it’s even possible to hide the fact a failure occurred at all. From hardware...
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Вт 26.10.2021
NHibernate 4.0 Cookbook
Over 90 incredible and powerful recipes to help you efficiently use NHibernate in your application NHibernate is a mature, flexible, scalable, and feature-complete open source project for data access. Although it sounds like an easy task to build and maintain database applications, it can be challenging to get beyond the basics and develop applications that meet your needs perfectly. NHibernate...
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Чт 04.03.2021
Pro SQL Server 2008 Policy-Based Management
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Вт 02.03.2021
The Definitive Guide to SQLite, 2nd Edition
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Пн 09.03.2020
Индексы — это первое, что необходимо хорошо понимать в работе SQL Server, но странным образом базовые вопросы не слишком часто задаются на форумах и получают не так уж много ответов. Роб Шелдон отвечает на эти, вызывающие смущение в профессиональных кругах,...
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Вт 24.12.2019
PostgreSQL 9.0 High Performance
PostgreSQL database servers have a common set of problems they encounter as their usage gets heavier and requirements more demanding. You could spend years discovering solutions to them all, step by step as you encounter them. Or you can just look in here. All successful database applications are destined to eventually run into issues scaling up their performance. Peek into...
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Вт 03.12.2019
MongoDB Cookbook, 2nd Edition
MongoDB is a high-performance and feature-rich NoSQL database that forms the backbone of the systems that power many different organizations – it's easy to see why it's the most popular NoSQL database on the market. Packed with many features that have become essential for many different types of software professionals and incredibly easy to use, this cookbook contains many solutions...
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Пн 29.07.2019
ORM: Object Relationship Mapper that maps your database directly with C# objects. There are many ORM tools available. One of them is Dapper. Dapper is known as the king of ORM. The following are the key features of Dapper: Speed...
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Вт 06.11.2018
Семь баз данных за семь недель. Введение в современные базы данных и идеологию NoSQL
В книге описаны большинство из современных баз данных с открытым исходным кодом: Redis, Neo4J, CouchDB, MongoDB, HBase, PostgreSQL и Riak. Для каждой базы приведены примеры работы с реальными данными, демонстрирующие основные идеи и сильные стороны. Эта книга прольет свет на сильные и слабые стороны каждой из семи баз данных и научит вас выбирать ту, которая лучше отвечает требованиям.
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Вт 30.10.2018
Next Generation Databases: NoSQL, NewSQL, and Big Data
This is a book for enterprise architects, database administrators, and developers who need to understand the latest developments in database technologies. It is the book to help you choose the correct database technology at a time when concepts such as Big Data, NoSQL and NewSQL are making what used to be an easy choice into a complex decision with significant...
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Сб 11.05.2024
Технический долг. Как не обанкротиться
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Как работает спидометр в машине: вы всегда хотели это знать, но никто не мог объяснить на пальцах Ср 08.05.2024
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Designing Data-Intensive Applications Вт 14.05.2024
Designing Data-Intensive Applications
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Fundamentals of Software Architecture Вт 07.05.2024
Fundamentals of Software Architecture
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Refactoring with C# Вт 23.04.2024
Refactoring with C#
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