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Functional Programming in JavaScript

Functional Programming in JavaScript
Добавлено: Вт 02.04.2019 • Sergeant
Автор: Dan Mantyla
Год: 2015
Формат: PDF
Размер: 1,07 МБ
Просмотров: 467

Unlock the powers of functional programming hidden within JavaScript to build smarter, cleaner, and more reliable web apps.

If you are a JavaScript developer interested in learning functional programming, looking for the quantum leap towards mastering the JavaScript language, or just want to become a better programmer in general, then this book is ideal for you. It is aimed at programmers involved in developing reactive frontend apps, server-side apps that wrangle with reliability and concurrency, and everything in between.

- Discover what functional programming is, why it's effective, and how it's used in JavaScript
- Understand and optimize JavaScript's hidden potential as a true functional language
- Explore the best coding practices for real-world applications

Who This Book Is For

This is a fast-paced guide that will help you to write real-world applications by utilizing a wide range of functional techniques and styles.

The book first explores the core concepts of functional programming common to all functional languages, with examples of their use in JavaScript. It's followed by a comprehensive roundup of functional programming libraries for JavaScript that minimizes the burden of digging deep into JavaScript to expose a set of tools that makes functional programming not just possible but highly convenient. The book then rounds off with an overview of methods to effectively use and mix functional programming with object-oriented programming.

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