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React Hooks in Action
With Suspense and Concurrent Mode

React Hooks in Action
Добавлено: Чт 23.03.2023 • Sergeant
Автор: John Larsen
Год: 2021
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 177
Размер: 6,85 МБ
Просмотров: 587

Build stylish, slick, and speedy-to-load user interfaces in React without writing custom classes. React Hooks are a new category of functions that help you to manage state, lifecycle, and side effects within functional components. WithReact Hooks in Action, you'll be a more effective React developer!React Hooks in Actionshows you how to use Hooks to make your codebase simpler and more reusable, and your applications faster and more responsive. As you build a resource-booking example application, you’ll learn to develop components with local, shared, and application states. Along the way, you’ll discover different approaches to data fetching to improve user experience, and you’ll explore third party hooks in the evolving React ecosystem.

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