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Implementing DevOps on AWS

Implementing DevOps on AWS
Добавлено: Вт 16.08.2022 • Sergeant
Автор: Veselin Kantsev
Год: 2017
Формат: PDF
Страниц: 309
Размер: 5,84 МБ
Просмотров: 521

Bring the best out of DevOps and build, deploy, and maintain applications on AWS.

Knowing how to adopt DevOps in your organization is becoming an increasingly important skill for developers, whether you work for a startup, SMB, or an enterprise.

This book will help you to drastically reduce the amount of time spent on development and increase the reliability of your software deployments on AWS using popular DevOps methods of automation. You will get familiar with the concept of IaC and will learn to design, deploy and maintain AWS infrastructure. Going further, you’ll learn how to design and deploy a Continuous Integration platform on AWS using either open-source or AWS provided tools/services. Following on from the Delivery part of the process, you will learn how to deploy a newly created, tested and verified artefact to the AWS infrastructure without manual intervention. You will then learn what to consider in order to make the implementation of Configuration Management easier and more effective. Towards the end, you will get to know the tricks and tips to optimize and secure your AWS environment.

By the end of the book, you will master the art of applying AWS to DevOps in your organization.

What you will learn

  • Design and deploy infrastructure as code within your AWS Virtual Private Cloud.
  • Implement Continuous Integration using AWS Services.
  • Manage EC2 instances using SaltStack and OpsWorks.
  • Implement Continuous Deployment using AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeDeploy.
  • Collect important metrics and log data to gain more insight into infrastructure and applications.
  • Troubleshooting popular issues with some less known techniques using the AWS platform.

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